Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

Pennsylvania State Senator Devlin Robinson, a former U.S. Marine who witnessed the attempted assassination of former President Trump, recalls his time in Iraq and the importance of security vigilance.

Pennsylvania State Senator Devlin Robinson (R-Allegheny), who represents the community where attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks lived, shared his perspective on the tragic incident, drawing parallels to his combat experiences in the Middle East.

Robinson, a former U.S. Marine infantryman, served in Iraq's "ambush alley" and Fallujah. He emphasized the crucial role of security preparedness in both military and civilian settings, stating that complacency can be deadly.

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

"When I did my third tour in Fallujah, we would leave the wire to go into the city just about every day. And we left the gate, and spray-painted on the wall it said, 'Complacency kills.' And that was the last thing that you read before you entered, essentially, the war zone," Robinson recalled.

He believes "lone wolf" attacks like Crooks' are difficult to prevent, as technology has made it easier for law enforcement to focus on mass casualty events, while potentially overlooking simpler vulnerabilities.

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

"We look past, sometimes, the easiest point, like a slanted roof 130 yards away," Robinson said, referring to Crooks' vantage point at a nearby glass company building.

As the state senator for Bethel Park, a community now thrust into global media attention, Robinson expressed his shock at the involvement of Crooks, who was known for keeping to himself.

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

"Bethel Park's council and their local government have developed a community with a lot of special amenities. There's a great park system. The school district is one of the best in the area," he said. "So, that's why when things like this happen, it kind of raises some confusion as to why somebody would want to do anybody harm coming out of this area."

Robinson urged community members to reach out to those who may need help, especially considering the potential for isolated individuals to engage in such acts.

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Reflects on Attempted Trump Assassination, Draws Parallels to Combat Experience

In Harrisburg, legislative developments in response to the shooting have been limited due to the government being out of session after passing the fiscal 2025 budget.

Robinson commended former President Trump's actions after the incident, saying, "You have to keep living your life. You can't let terrorists win. You can't change your actions, and you just have to keep on going."

He believes Trump's strength in the face of the assassination attempt may have gained him the support of his critics.

Robinson concluded by emphasizing the importance of vigilance in security measures, citing his own combat experiences as a testament to the constant threat of complacency.