Pennsylvania Man Returns Home After Ammo Charges in Turks and Caicos

Bryan Hagerich, detained for possessing ammunition in his luggage, arrives back in Pittsburgh after receiving a suspended sentence and paying a fine.

Pennsylvania Man Returns Home After Ammo Charges in Turks and Caicos

Bryan Hagerich, a 39-year-old Pennsylvania man, finally returned home to his family on Friday night after being detained for months on the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) for having ammunition in his luggage. Hagerich's arrest and detention were part of a series of similar incidents involving five American citizens on the islands since February.

Hagerich, a former professional baseball player and father of two, was sentenced to a 52-month suspended sentence on Friday morning after pleading guilty to possessing ammunition on the islands. He was also ordered to pay a $6,500 fine.

Pennsylvania Man Returns Home After Ammo Charges in Turks and Caicos

The Americans' cases drew significant attention and bipartisan support back in the United States, with lawmakers and officials calling for their release. A congressional delegation, led by Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.), visited TCI on Monday to advocate for the Americans' release.

In a statement, Fetterman expressed his gratitude that Hagerich was finally able to return home. "Bryan is coming home to his family," Fetterman said. "It was an honor to meet Bryan and the other detained Americans in TCI this week."

Pennsylvania Man Returns Home After Ammo Charges in Turks and Caicos

Fetterman also acknowledged the efforts of the U.S. State Department in facilitating Hagerich's release. He added that he is hopeful that the TCI government will expedite the cases of the other detained Americans so that they can also return to their families.

Pennsylvania Representative Guy Reschenthaler (R) echoed Fetterman's sentiments, expressing relief over Hagerich's return but emphasizing the need for TCI to ensure the safety and well-being of American tourists. He stated that he would continue to work until Americans could travel to the islands without fear of such incidents.

Pennsylvania Man Returns Home After Ammo Charges in Turks and Caicos

The cases of the five Americans have varying circumstances, but all involve stray ammunition being found in their luggage. Hagerich had ammunition from a previous hunting trip in his luggage, while Ryan Watson had ammunition in his carry-on bag. Sharitta Grier had bullets in her bag after recently purchasing a firearm for self-defense.

The detention of the Americans sparked concerns about the strict laws in TCI regarding ammunition possession and the potential for excessive penalties. The maximum sentence for the offense is 12 years in prison.

Audrey Conklin of Fox News contributed to this report.