Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Authorities in the Philippines have uncovered secret hospitals that offer plastic surgery for fugitives and scammers seeking to evade arrest, creating an alarming pattern of criminal activity involving the country's offshore gaming operations.

In a startling discovery, authorities in the Philippines have uncovered a clandestine network of secret hospitals catering to fugitives and scammers seeking to alter their appearances to evade capture. These hospitals have become a disturbing facet of the country's offshore gaming industry, known as POGO, which has been plagued by allegations of criminal activity.

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

The secret hospitals have come under the scrutiny of the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC), which raided one such facility in the southern suburbs of Manila. During the raid, authorities apprehended two Vietnamese doctors, one Chinese doctor, one Chinese pharmacist, and a Vietnamese nurse, none of whom possessed valid medical licenses in the Philippines.

Intelligence provided by an anonymous source led authorities to the initial discovery of the unlicensed hospital in Pasay, a city just south of Manila. The intelligence officer had initially characterized the hospital as a "stand-alone" operation, but further investigation revealed connections to a second secret hospital.

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

The hospitals are believed to be integral to the POGO industry, which presents itself as an online casino but has been linked to a "scam center" employing hundreds of workers, primarily Chinese nationals. Authorities allege that the hospitals assist POGO workers in changing their appearances through procedures such as hair transplants, dentures, and skin whitening sessions, enabling them to disappear and avoid authorities.

During a raid in May, the PAOCC discovered an array of equipment used for these operations, including an operating table, dental implants, hair restoration tools, and facial rejuvenation equipment. "They had everything they needed to create an entirely new person," said Winston John Casio, a spokesman for the PAOCC.

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Casio emphasized that the secret hospitals are specifically used by POGO workers and not other types of criminals. However, he acknowledged the possibility of numerous similar facilities across the country. The PAOCC is continuing its investigation to determine the extent of these secret hospitals, including the number of locations and patients, who often assume fake identities after undergoing the procedures.

The Bureau of Immigration will collaborate with the PAOCC in the ongoing investigation. The POGO centers have become a significant concern for the Philippines, prompting widespread scrutiny and investigations into criminal activity related to these offshore gaming operations.

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

In a related development, the mayor of Bamban, Alice Guo, faced scrutiny when the Bureau of Immigration launched an inquiry into allegations of identity falsification. Officials suspected that Mayor Guo might be a Chinese national who facilitated the establishment of a POGO scam center in Bamban. The center allegedly operated "love scams," where scam workers used fake identities to establish romantic relationships online and extort money from victims.

The PAOCC has identified the handling of POGO centers as a primary concern due to potential links between local operations and transnational crime organizations. The uncovering of secret hospitals catering to fugitives and scammers highlights the alarming extent of criminal activity associated with the offshore gaming industry in the Philippines.

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances

Philippines Uncovers Secret Hospitals for Fugitives Seeking to Alter Appearances