Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, sparking outrage from pro-life activists. Democrats For Life of America's executive director slams the "disgusting" celebration of abortion and calls for support for women in need rather than "killing babies."

Democrats have made abortion a central theme at the Democratic National Convention, offering free abortions from a mobile clinic outside the event. This move has drawn heavy criticism from pro-life activists, who denounce it as a "celebration of abortion" that harms women.

"They're degrading human life and women for that matter. It's just absolutely disgusting," said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats For Life of America.

Planned Parenthood's

Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Day expressed particular dismay over Planned Parenthood's "mobile health clinic" offering free abortions during the convention. She pointed out that the organization's focus on abortion overshadows its purported support for pregnant women.

"Planned parenthood, this is what they do. They do abortions. They, they do not support pregnant women," said Day. "And this just continues to prove the fact that that is their main focus… all they care about is abortion."

Planned Parenthood's

Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Day believes the Democrats' constant "celebration of abortion" goes against the party's former stance of abortion being "safe, legal and rare." She emphasized the harmful consequences of abortion, including potential physical and emotional trauma for women.

"In states with the largest abortion numbers, they don't even report the numbers. They don't report the side effects. They don't report the negative effects. And, the states that do, we've seen in some states women have nine or more abortions. How is that good for women's health? It's not at all," said Day.

Planned Parenthood's

Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Pro-life activists have organized a diaper drive in response to the Planned Parenthood clinic, providing support for pregnant women and new mothers who need resources to care for their children.

"We’re showing what it means to respect human life and to get pregnant women the resources they need, get new mothers the resources they need. And that's what the Democrats should be focused on. That's consistent with Democratic values. Providing abortions and killing babies is not consistent with helping the most vulnerable in our society," said Day.

Planned Parenthood's

Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Day fears that Democrats For Life of America will have no place in the party as it becomes increasingly polarized on the abortion issue. She has been unable to secure a meeting with DNC chair Jaime Harrison to discuss the concerns of pro-life Democrats.

"We have met with every single party chair since I started this job... Jaime Harrison refused to meet with us," said Day. "He refused to meet with elected Democrats to talk about the issue and to get a better sense of where we stand."

Planned Parenthood's

Planned Parenthood's "Abortion-Palooza" Draws Ire at DNC

Day warned that the Republican Party may become more appealing to pro-life Democrats, potentially impacting elections.

"The Republican Party is now the big tent party... and the Democratic Party is becoming so much more narrow. If I leave, it wouldn’t be because I wanted to, it’s because they don’t want me," said Day.