Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Planned Parenthood's mobile "health" clinic is offering free abortions and vasectomies to convention attendees, highlighting the party's unwavering support for abortion access. However, this move has sparked controversy, raising questions about the increasing divide in America over the issue of abortion.

The Democratic National Convention in Chicago has become a battleground for the ongoing debate over abortion rights. Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion provider, has parked its mobile "health" clinic just outside the United Center, offering free abortions and vasectomies to convention attendees.

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

This move has sent shockwaves through the event, sparking outrage among pro-life advocates and further dividing the nation on this contentious issue.

The presence of the mobile clinic underscores the Democrats' unwavering commitment to abortion access. In the party's platform, abortion is described as a "fundamental right" that must be protected. This stance has been echoed by several Democratic presidential candidates, including former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders.

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

However, the move has also drawn criticism from pro-life groups and some Democrats who oppose abortion. They argue that offering abortions at a political convention trivializes the issue and reduces the procedure to a carnival-like attraction.

"It's absolutely disgusting," said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. "Abortion is not health care, and Planned Parenthood is not a health care provider."

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

Planned Parenthood's Mobile Abortion Clinic Casts Shadow Over DNC

The division over abortion in America is not limited to the Democratic Party. As of today, abortion is either banned or restricted beyond Roe's limits in 22 states. It's legal in the other 28. This means that a pre-born baby's fate is literally being determined by the address of his or her mother.

This divide is likely to be reflected in more ways than deaths in the womb. How you treat the most innocent reflects how you treat everyone else. When you cultivate and prioritize the killing of innocent children just waiting to be born, you're more likely to disrespect everyone else, including the frail and fragile who live on society's margins.

You're less likely to look out for your neighbor, more willing to look the other way when somebody needs help. And you're less likely to check your selfish appetites and instead do what is in the best interest of children.

As this spiritual and moral divide unfolds, we may see two Americas emerge. In the red, more conservative states, you will find pro-family, pro-child policies that aim to protect the rising generation. There, families and children will have the best opportunity to thrive.

Conversely, in the blue, more liberal states, the calamitous consequences of a radical and selfish social agenda will claim the innocence and peace of our children. Dystopian cities will be spiritually and morally dark places to live.

Reducing the killing of innocent children to a carnival-like attraction reflects the escalation of a crass and cavalier attitude toward innocent life. It's the trivialization of the tragically profound.

The championing of abortion at the DNC doesn't only reflect the radicalization of a political party, but also the normalization of something that once horrified the majority of Americans. As a nation, we've gone from calls for abortion to be "rare" to cheerleaders demanding it be common and normal.

The political divide concerning violence against human life today brings to mind the clear and unequivocal distinction found within the Book of Deuteronomy of the Bible:

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live" (30:19).

The sacredness of life — God's greatest gift — and the cries of the preborn demand that we defend the dignity of every person, and especially those incapable of defending themselves.