Portland DA Ousted: Voters Demand Law and Order in Blue State Stronghold

Progressive Multnomah County, Oregon rejects incumbent District Attorney Mike Schmidt for centrist challenger Nathan Vasquez, signaling a growing backlash against soft-on-crime policies.

Portland DA Ousted: Voters Demand Law and Order in Blue State Stronghold

Progressive Democrat Mike Schmidt, a Soros-backed District Attorney in Portland, Oregon, has been voted out of office by residents seeking a return to law and order. Schmidt, who took office amid the George Floyd protests, had faced criticism for his perceived leniency towards criminals and failure to enforce the law.

Schmidt's defeat is particularly notable in Multnomah County, a reliably blue stronghold in a deep-blue state. His ouster marks a significant victory for voters demanding tougher action against crime and a return to a traditional role for the District Attorney's office.

Portland DA Ousted: Voters Demand Law and Order in Blue State Stronghold

Schmidt's successor, Republican-turned-centrist Nathan Vasquez, campaigned on a promise to restore public safety by cracking down on drug dealing, improving relations with police, and prosecuting criminals. His margin of victory—55.7% to 43.8%—reflects the growing sentiment among Portlanders that Schmidt's progressive policies have failed to address the city's crime epidemic.

The defeat of Schmidt follows a similar trend in other left-leaning cities, such as Loudoun County, Virginia, where progressive District Attorney Buta Biberaj was voted out last year. These outcomes suggest that voters have grown weary of soft-on-crime approaches that have failed to reduce crime and have led to a decline in public safety.

Portland DA Ousted: Voters Demand Law and Order in Blue State Stronghold

Journalists and political commentators have hailed Vasquez's victory as a sign of hope for Portland. Andy Ngo, a Portland-based journalist, declared, "Portland got the Schmidt kicked out of it!" while TurningPoint USA founder Charlie Kirk called it "a victory for sanity."

The New York Post Editorial Board denounced Schmidt as a "soft-on-crime, cop-hating district attorney" and praised Vasquez for his commitment to restoring law and order.

Oregon voters have expressed frustration with the high levels of crime and drug use that have plagued Portland in recent years. Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer acknowledged that the city's tolerance for these problems had reached a tipping point.

Schmidt's campaign centered on addressing the concerns of voters who feel that the city's progressive policies have allowed crime to flourish. He stressed the need for enhanced police presence, more aggressive prosecution of criminals, and a focus on drug treatment and prevention.

The election results underscore the growing divide between progressive Democrats and pragmatic Democrats. Republican strategist Dan Lavey described the contest as a battle between "therapy vs. discipline," with voters opting for the latter.

Schmidt's ouster sends a clear message that voters are demanding a return to law and order in Portland. Vasquez's victory represents a mandate for tougher enforcement, improved police-community relations, and a focus on prosecuting criminals. It remains to be seen whether Vasquez can deliver on his promises and address the city's pressing crime issues.