President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

President Biden has acknowledged his "bad night" at the presidential debate, blaming a series of recent trips to Europe for his rocky performance. Biden apologized for his performance but emphasized the importance of winning the November election.

Addressing a campaign fundraiser in Virginia, President Biden conceded that his recent trips to Europe contributed to his subpar performance at the presidential debate. He admitted that traveling extensively ahead of the event was a mistake that led to his exhaustion and lack of focus on stage.

Biden shared that he decided to travel internationally "a couple of times" shortly before the debate, despite the advice of his staff. He acknowledged that these trips left him physically and mentally drained, ultimately affecting his alertness during the debate.

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

Biden's travels included D-Day commemorations in France and the G-7 Summit in Italy. In addition to these events, he held mock debates with aides at Camp David in Maryland to prepare for his encounter with former President Trump.

Despite his apology, Biden emphasized the significance of winning the November election. He expressed confidence in the Democratic National Committee's fundraising efforts since the debate, stating that he "feels good about it."

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

Biden's comments come amid growing pressure from some Democrats who believe he should withdraw from the race and allow another candidate to pursue the nomination. However, Biden has maintained that he is committed to remaining in the race.

According to a print pool report, Biden stated, "It's not an excuse but an explanation." He added, "I didn't listen to my staff... and then I almost fell asleep on stage."

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

Biden's family members have also criticized his staff for inadequately preparing him for the debate. They argue that he should have focused more on outlining his vision for the future rather than defending his record and that they allowed him to become overworked without sufficient rest.

Political commentators have noted that Biden's performance at the debate was uncharacteristically sluggish. They attribute this to a combination of fatigue, a lack of preparation, and the pressure of facing a skilled orator like Trump.

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

President Biden Blames Europe Trips for 'Bad Night' at Debate, Apologizes for Performance

Despite the criticism, Biden's supporters remain optimistic about his chances in the election. They believe that his experience and policy positions will ultimately resonate with voters.

It remains to be seen whether Biden's explanation for his debate performance will satisfy his critics. However, his unwavering commitment to winning the election suggests that he is determined to prove that he can still be an effective leader.