Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a heated debate, with Trump fiercely criticizing Biden-Harris administration policies and moderators challenging his claims, while Harris was given a pass for her own distortions.

In a heated debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump launched a scathing attack on the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies, accusing them of allowing "millions" of criminals and "terrorists" into the United States.

Trump argued that due to Harris and President Biden's policies, the "fabric" of the country had been "destroyed." He asserted that record-high illegal immigration had caused a surge in crime and instability.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

"They've allowed millions of people to just pour into our country, many of whom are criminals and many of whom are terrorists," Trump stated. "They have destroyed the fabric of our nation."

Trump also criticized the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. He blamed Harris and Biden for the deaths of 13 service members, claiming that the withdrawal was "one of the most incompetently handled situations anybody has ever seen."

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

During the debate, moderators repeatedly interrupted and challenged Trump's claims, seemingly attempting to fact-check him live. However, the same level of scrutiny was not applied to Harris, who made numerous distortions and misrepresentations without being questioned.

For example, when Harris claimed that Trump intended to implement a "detailed and dangerous plan" based on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, Trump forcefully denied any involvement in the plan. Despite this, moderators did not press Harris on her unfounded accusation.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

Additionally, when Harris asserted that Trump would impose a national abortion ban with no exceptions, Trump immediately refuted her claim, stating that he believed in exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. Despite Trump's clear denial, moderators pressured him further on whether he would veto a nationwide abortion ban.

Despite the hostile questioning from moderators, Trump remained defiant, standing by his claims and accusing the moderators of bias in favor of Harris.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

"The moderators were asking skewed and slanted questions and in particular they were engaging in their so-called fact checking, but where was the fact checking of Kamala Harris and all the lies she told," Trump charged.

Trump supporters have also criticized the moderators for their perceived favoritism towards Harris, arguing that Trump was unfairly targeted while Harris was allowed to make false and misleading statements without being held accountable.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

The heated debate has sparked strong reactions from both sides of the political spectrum. Trump surrogates have praised his performance, claiming that he reminded voters of the "good times" under his administration and that voters want to "turn the page" on the Biden-Harris era.

On the other hand, Harris supporters have argued that Trump's performance was weak and that he was easily manipulated. They believe that voters will be reminded of Trump's divisive rhetoric and policies, further driving them towards Harris.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing "Criminals" into the U.S., While Moderators Target Trump

As the presidential campaign enters a critical stage, the debate has emerged as a key moment that will likely shape the race for the White House in 2024.

Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing Presidential Debate: Trump Accuses Harris of Allowing