Presidential Immunity Ruling Raises Concerns for Future Executive Branch Functioning

The Supreme Court expressed concerns about the potential impact on the executive branch as it considered whether former President Trump should have immunity from criminal prosecution.

Presidential Immunity Ruling Raises Concerns for Future Executive Branch Functioning

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently heard arguments regarding whether former President Trump should be granted presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. The justices expressed concerns about how their ruling could impact the future functioning of the executive branch.

The debate centered around whether Trump should have "absolute immunity" for alleged crimes investigated by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Legal experts told Fox News Digital that most justices appeared concerned about the precedent it would set for future presidents.

Justice Samuel Alito raised the possibility of a cycle of retributive prosecutions, suggesting that future presidents could fear being jailed by political opponents after close elections.

The court's decision could have significant implications for the separation of powers and the ability of the executive branch to operate effectively.

In an unrelated incident, a Secret Service agent on Vice President Harris' detail was removed from assignment after a physical altercation while on duty. The circumstances surrounding the fight are under investigation.

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President Biden has been criticized by a religious organization for making the sign of the cross at an abortion rally. The organization called Biden's actions a "disgusting insult."

A recent poll shows that voter views on abortion have shifted, with more Democrats supporting the issue as a central plank in their 2024 campaign strategy.

Former President Trump has criticized President Biden's economic policies, slamming them as "Bidensomics." Trump claims that a significant majority of voters doubt Biden's capabilities due to his age and mental health.

Pennsylvania legislators have asked the Supreme Court to let them challenge Biden's executive order on voting rights, claiming that it is unconstitutional.

Trump's attorney clashed with Justice Sonia Sotomayor during the Supreme Court hearing on presidential immunity. Sotomayor questioned the possibility of a coup, leading Trump's attorney to defend his hypothetical scenario.

A federal judge has rejected Trump's request for a new trial in the E. Jean Carroll case, ordering him to pay $83.3 million in damages.

An Arizona grand jury has indicted several individuals who allegedly submitted false electoral certificates in support of Trump in the 2020 election.

A new plan is in place to train shelter dogs as therapy animals for border patrol agents, providing emotional support to officers working at the border.