Prestigious Faculty Awards Recognize Outstanding Research and Innovation

The University is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the Faculty Distinguished Research Award and the Faculty Distinguished Research Impact Award. These prestigious awards recognize faculty members who have made extraordinary contributions to their fields through their research and scholarly activities.

The Faculty Distinguished Research Award is the highest research honor bestowed upon faculty members at the University. It recognizes individuals who have achieved national or international prominence for their original and groundbreaking research. Nominees must have a sustained record of excellence in research, as evidenced by their publications, presentations, and grants. They must also demonstrate a commitment to mentoring and supporting the next generation of researchers.

The Faculty Distinguished Research Impact Award recognizes faculty members whose research has had a significant impact on society. Nominees must demonstrate how their research has led to new products, processes, or treatments that have improved the lives of people around the world. They must also show how their work has influenced public policy or shaped the way we think about important issues.

Prestigious Faculty Awards Recognize Outstanding Research and Innovation

Prestigious Faculty Awards Recognize Outstanding Research and Innovation

To be eligible for these awards, nominees must be full-time faculty members with a minimum of five years of service at the University. They must also be nominated by their department chair or dean. The nomination packet should include a curriculum vitae, a research statement, and three letters of support.

The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2023. Nominations should be submitted electronically to Jennifer Capretta, executive director of operations, at [email protected].

A selection committee composed of senior faculty members will review the nominations and make recommendations to the provost. The provost will then make the final decisions on the awards.

The winners of the Faculty Distinguished Research Award and the Faculty Distinguished Research Impact Award will be announced at the annual Faculty Awards Ceremony in April 2023. They will receive a monetary award, a commemorative plaque, and recognition in the University's annual report.

These awards are a testament to the University's commitment to excellence in research and scholarship. They recognize the outstanding contributions that our faculty members make to their fields and to the world.

* The Faculty Distinguished Research Award carries a monetary award of $10,000.

* The Faculty Distinguished Research Impact Award carries a monetary award of $5,000.

* Both awards include a commemorative plaque and recognition in the University's annual report.

* The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2023.

* Nominations should be submitted electronically to Jennifer Capretta, executive director of operations, at [email protected].