'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

A new book argues that conservative values should prioritize the well-being and rights of children, offering a fresh perspective on political messaging and policy.

In a political landscape where divisions often dominate, "Pro-Child Politics" emerges as a compelling call to shift the focus towards the most vulnerable members of society: children. Katy Faust, editor of this thought-provoking book, advocates for a "pro-child" philosophy that transcends partisan lines and places the needs of the next generation at the forefront.

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

Faust's book enlists 19 experts to delve into a wide range of issues, from the economy to pornography, through the lens of children's rights. Their collective insights demonstrate that safeguarding children in every aspect of society benefits not only the well-being of the young but also the fabric of our communities.

Challenging the notion that conservative ideas are solely reactive, Faust argues that "Pro-Child Politics" advances a positive, proactive message. By embracing a self-sacrificing approach that prioritizes the well-being of children, conservatives can effectively counter accusations of being anti-women, anti-immigrant, or anti-science.

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

Faust draws inspiration from her experiences as a mother and founder of the children's rights organization Them Before Us. She witnessed firsthand the marginalization of children's rights in the face of adult-centric agendas and the urgent need for a voice advocating for their interests.

Each chapter of "Pro-Child Politics" presents a moving story of a child harmed by policies that prioritize adult desires over their welfare. Faust emphasizes the importance of humanizing the victims and highlighting the real-world consequences of failing to protect children.

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

She believes that a "pro-child" philosophy offers a thread that can unite conservatives on a diverse array of issues. By evaluating policies based on their impact on the next generation, conservatives can strengthen their messaging and resonate with voters concerned about the future of their children.

With the upcoming election 70 days away, Faust hopes "Pro-Child Politics" will empower voters to make informed choices. She urges them to evaluate candidates and policies through a child-centric lens, ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable are heard in the political arena.

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

'Pro-Child Politics': Redefining Conservatism with Children at Heart

As the book reminds us, "All of us have this innate response of, ‘but leave the kids alone,'" and it is time to translate that sentiment into tangible policies and political action that prioritize the well-being and rights of the next generation.