Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has released a video showing a professional "protest consultant" instructing a mob of anti-Israel agitators as they took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. Mayor Eric Adams has spoken out about the involvement of outside agitators in the protests, which have escalated in intensity and tactics.

Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

The NYPD has identified a professional protester named Lisa Fithian, 63, as an instigator in the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. Fithian has been arrested over 80 times and has participated in various protests over the years, including climate change, Occupy Wall Street, and now the Free Palestine movement.

In a video released by the NYPD, Fithian is seen instructing a group of protesters as they take over an academic building at Columbia University. She is heard directing protesters on how to barricade doors and create shields.

Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Mayor Eric Adams has condemned the involvement of outside agitators in the protests, calling their actions "a violation of Columbia's clearly stated policy." He urged anyone involved to walk away and expressed concern for the safety of students and faculty.

NYPD officials have noted an escalation in protest tactics, such as the use of barricades, camera destruction, de-arresting tactics, property damage, and the use of signs for fortification. They attribute these tactics to guidance from outside agitators.

Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Fithian is part of a network of professional protesters, some of whom are reportedly paid money for their services. Ira Stoll, founder and editor of, has written about the funding behind these protest groups, which includes support from organizations such as the Soros Open Society Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Stoll has observed that many of the individuals involved in the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University also participate in other protests, such as Black Lives Matter and anti-Trump demonstrations. He compares their behavior to individuals who engage in regular activities like sports or religious services.

Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

The escalation in tactics and the involvement of professional protesters have raised concerns about the potential for violence and disruption at universities across New York City and the nation. NYPD officials anticipate that these tactics will continue to be employed.

Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has also condemned the actions of the protesters and expressed his commitment to protecting the university community. The university has suspended several student groups involved in the protests.

Professional Protesters Infiltrate Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

The involvement of professional protesters in the anti-Israel protests highlights the potential for outside forces to hijack and manipulate peaceful gatherings. Mayor Adams and university officials have urged protesters to refrain from violence and respect the university's policies.

The ongoing investigation by the NYPD into the involvement of outside agitators is expected to shed light on the extent of their influence and the potential consequences for the safety of students, faculty, and property at Columbia University and beyond.