Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

As Americans, it is crucial to prioritize American-made products over those manufactured in Communist China. Supporting China means aiding a regime that threatens our way of life. It is time to use our purchasing power and voices to protect our jobs, reduce reliance on hostile nations, and defend our values.

Many Americans express a desire for easier access to American-made products. While it may be more convenient or cheaper to purchase products from China, consider the consequences of supporting a government that aims to undermine American interests.

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Under President Trump's leadership, significant efforts were made to promote American businesses and reduce dependence on foreign entities, particularly China. Policies incentivized American manufacturing, penalized outsourcing, and imposed tariffs on Chinese goods.

Senator Rick Scott has continued these efforts in the Senate, introducing legislation to strengthen domestic industries and decrease reliance on Chinese imports. His "Buy American" resolution encourages support for American jobs and manufacturing.

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Scott has also led initiatives to expose China's anti-American agenda and reduce dependence on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China's expansionist policies, intellectual property theft, and infiltration of critical industries raise serious concerns.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability of supply chains due to American dependence on China. Scott has proposed measures such as the "AMERICAN DRUGS Act" to reduce reliance on Chinese-made drugs and the "Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act" to prohibit federal funding for solar panels from China.

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Recent Senate Committee wins include banning the sale of Chinese garlic in Defense Commissary stores, prohibiting the Department of Defense from buying computers from China-based companies, and ensuring the purchase of generic drugs manufactured in America.

Senator Scott advocates for labeling the country of origin on online products to enable informed consumer decisions. This transparency empowers Americans to choose American-made products.

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Protect America: Reject Chinese Goods and Support American Businesses

Communist China's threat extends beyond economics. Its military aggression, strategic investments, and human rights violations pose multifaceted risks. Reliance on China compromises American economic stability and values.

It is imperative to support leaders like Donald Trump who are committed to enacting policies that protect American interests. Legislators must incentivize businesses to reshore operations and penalize unfair trade practices that jeopardize national security.

American businesses across the country produce exceptional products that deserve our support. By purchasing American-made goods, we boost local communities and counter the influence of the CCP. The stakes are high, and it is time to recommit to American principles and ensure a prosperous future free from Chinese interference.