Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Thousands of protesters gathered in Washington, D.C., to condemn Israel's actions in Gaza and question Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris' stance on the conflict. While some expressed hope for a change under a Harris presidency, others remained skeptical about her commitment to holding Israel accountable.

Crowds descended on the nation's capital on Wednesday to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit and demand an end to U.S. support for Israel's war in Gaza. The protesters, representing a diverse range of backgrounds and political views, expressed a mix of frustration, anger, and hope for the future.

Many demonstrators voiced skepticism about Harris' potential commitment to resolving the conflict. "She's no different from Biden on this issue," said Nikolai from Ohio. "We're going down to the lesser evil-ism."

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Christine from Virginia went even further, stating that she wanted Israel to be "dismantled." Others hoped for a two-state solution or a cessation of hostilities.

Some attendees expressed outright hostility towards Netanyahu, calling him a "war criminal" and demanding his arrest. Others chanted slogans such as "Intifada revolution" and "from the river to the sea."

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

"I really hate her," said Elise from Virginia, referring to Harris. "I am both pro-life and pro-Palestine, and she is against both of those things. So to me, she's just into a double genocide."

Despite the skepticism, some protesters expressed cautious optimism about Harris' potential presidency. "She seems to be a little bit less warmongering than Biden on the issue of Israel-Gaza," said Connor from D.C.

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Others, like George, a Palestinian immigrant living in Michigan, remained critical of the Biden administration's support for Israel. "Joe Biden has been complicit in the genocide that's going on right now," he said.

Vermont state Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky also expressed concerns about the use of taxpayer dollars to fund the conflict. "I'd like to see her stand up and, you know, support a cease-fire and finding a path towards peace," she said.

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

In March, Harris became the first administration official to call for a temporary cease-fire, contingent on Hamas cooperating and releasing hostages. However, some attendees remained skeptical about her commitment to holding Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza.

"All that changes is the rhetoric, not the actions," said one woman, referring to the difference between Republicans and Democrats in their approach to the conflict. "Obama gave [Israel] a blank check. Biden is giving them the most comically huge blank check."

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Protesters Demand Justice for Gaza, Express Mixed Feelings About Harris' Potential Presidency

Despite the mixed feelings about Harris, many protesters agreed that the United States must do more to end the conflict and ensure justice for the Palestinian people. "I don't support any of them," said a protester from Michigan. "And I wish there is another candidate who stands for justice, for peace and for fairness in the world."