Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Amid growing concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris's potential presidential run, political rhetoric has become increasingly divisive along racial lines, promoting harmful stereotypes and undermining national unity.

Ever since the announcement of Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, the 2024 election has taken on a distinctly racial overtone. Political discourse has become increasingly polarized, with a focus on race that threatens to further divide the nation.

In recent weeks, "white women" and "white dude" Zoom calls have emerged, promoting the idea that people should be treated differently based on their skin color. This rhetoric harkens back to a time when racism was rampant, with the argument that individuals should be cautious in their interactions with people of color.

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Furthermore, prominent figures on the Left have made inflammatory statements, claiming that Republicans only want white children to be born in the United States. Such accusations ignore the fact that many biracial individuals, including Harris herself, have achieved great success in society.

This type of political correctness, often referred to as "wokeness," has become a luxury ideology disconnect from the lived experiences of most Americans. As someone who frequently travels the country meeting with voters, I can attest that the vast majority of people do not think or act in this manner.

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

The idea that white people are inherently cruel and that they alone have the privilege to save marginalized people of color is not only patronizing but also divisive. It embraces the notion that white people are solely responsible for the problems faced by people of color, undermining the agency and diversity of perspectives within minority communities.

At a time when national unity is paramount, this blatant race-baiting is counterproductive. It serves to separate us based on immutable characteristics and promotes the false narrative that America is a hotbed of racism.

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Instead of relying on cloistered Hollywood celebrities and TV pundits for their depiction of our country, individuals should engage with real-life communities. They will find that the vast majority of Americans are not consumed by racism, but rather strive for common ground and respect for all.

Donald Trump's alleged existential threat to democracy failed to resonate with voters, especially when confronted with the alternative of the faltering Joe Biden. Now, Democrats are attempting to portray America as a fiery cauldron of racism, with white saviors rushing to the rescue.

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America

Do not succumb to this divisive rhetoric. Look around your own neighborhoods and determine for yourself whether we live in a hotbed of racism. Trust your own observations rather than the politically motivated fictions peddled by the Left.

Race-Baiting Politics: Kamala Harris' Candidacy Fuels Divisions in America