Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the "Last Best Hope

Green Party presidential nominee Ralph Nader has sent a letter to Judge Juan Merchan, urging him to sentence former President Donald Trump to prison. Nader warns that Trump poses a "clear and present danger" to the peaceful transfer of power.

Ralph Nader, the Green Party's presidential nominee in 2000, has implored Judge Juan Merchan to sentence former President Donald Trump to prison, calling the judge the "last best hope" to preserve the republic.

In a letter dated June 28, 2024, Nader and attorney Bruce Fein urged Merchan to impose a prison sentence on Trump. They based their plea on Trump's conviction on 34 felonies under New York law and his repeated violations of a court-imposed gag order.

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the "Last Best Hope

According to Nader and Fein, Trump's actions pose a serious threat to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. They argued that the former president's threats of a counter-revolution and his assertion that he has the power to terminate the Constitution are evidence of his disdain for democratic norms.

The attorneys also highlighted Trump's close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming that Trump "covets dictatorial powers" similar to the Russian leader. They contended that a prison sentence would deter Trump and others from engaging in similar behavior in the future.

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the "Last Best Hope

Merchan has the discretion to sentence Trump to up to four years in prison for the felonies he committed. Nader and Fein argued that the case for a prison sentence is "open and shut based on the character of the offender alone."

Trump's sentencing is scheduled for July 11, 2024, just four days before the Republican National Convention. The former president is expected to be formally nominated as the Republican presidential nominee at the convention.

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the

Ralph Nader Urges Prison Sentence for Trump, Calling Judge the "Last Best Hope

Nader's letter emphasized the urgency of Merchan's decision, stating that "the future of the United States will be materially influenced by your sentencing Donald J. Trump." He urged the judge to "set a standard to which the wise and honest judge may repair with a jail term — at least a serious fraction of the 4-year statutory maximum."

The Trump campaign has not yet responded to requests for comment on Nader's letter.