Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

A Queens store owner has shared his experience of rampant shoplifting, which he attributes to the influx of illegal immigrants in the area. The owner, Chris Sciacco, says his business has suffered a $3,000-a-month loss due to frequent thefts, jeopardizing its survival.

Chris Sciacco, the owner of Kaiya's Pallets in Queens, has been facing an alarming surge in shoplifting since waves of illegal immigrants flooded the area. The store, which sells clothing, food, and other items, has become a regular target for thieves, leaving Sciacco wondering if his business can survive.

Sciacco has reported being targeted by shoplifters as often as six times a week, leading to losses of approximately $3,000 per month. He has witnessed the theft of various items, including Rogaine, a pallet of Gatorade, and individual pieces of children's underwear. To mitigate losses, Sciacco began selling individual pairs of underwear at $1 apiece.

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Despite reporting these incidents to law enforcement, Sciacco has found it challenging to get officers on the scene promptly. This has exacerbated the problem, leaving him feeling helpless and frustrated. Sciacco's dilemma reflects the broader challenges faced by major U.S. cities, including New York City, as they grapple with the influx of illegal immigrants under the Biden administration.

New York City has witnessed a surge in illegal immigrants, with the iconic Roosevelt Hotel being transformed into a processing center. There have been several high-profile incidents involving illegal immigrants, including the arrest of six individuals for assaulting two NYPD officers in Times Square and the arrest of an illegal immigrant for raping a 13-year-old girl in Queens.

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Mayor Eric Adams has acknowledged the impact of the influx on the city's resources, stating that "our resources are not endless." He emphasized that while New York City welcomes immigrants, it cannot shoulder the global burden alone.

The issue of illegal immigration has become a focal point during the 2024 election season, with voters expressing concerns about its impact on local communities and the economy. Sciacco's story highlights the challenges faced by small businesses as they struggle with increased crime rates and shrinking profits.

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Sciacco fears that if the problem is not addressed, he will be forced to cancel his lease and shut down his business. He appeals for support from authorities and the community to address the rampant shoplifting that is threatening the survival of his livelihood.

The situation in Queens is a microcosm of the challenges faced by cities and towns across the United States as they try to cope with the influx of illegal immigrants. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current policies and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the issue.

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure

Rampant Shoplifting in Queens: Store Owner Blames Illegal Immigrants, Faces Business Closure