Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Dennis Quaid stars as Ronald Reagan in a new movie that highlights the 40th president's legacy of leadership and strength.

Dennis Quaid, who plays Ronald Reagan in the new movie "Reagan," has called it his favorite film to be a part of. In a recent interview on Fox News @ Night, Quaid explained why he believes the film is so important, especially for the younger generation.

"Reagan is a man who, despite many failures, overcomes long odds," Quaid said. "Somebody who has seen it described it as Forrest Gump meets Rocky and I agree with that description."

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

The movie is not a boring history lesson, Quaid emphasized. It is an entertaining story about a man who changed the course of history.

"Reagan taught us that peace didn’t come to our shores when we are weak; peace comes about when we are so strong that our enemies won’t even try to get adventurous," Quaid said.

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

He also knew that a strong economy was key to the strength of our nation and continued peace in the world. Reagan's policies, such as reducing tax rates and expanding the armed forces, helped bring about a period of economic prosperity and global stability.

"We’re in danger of forgetting this story," Quaid said. "But this movie will bring these facts to a new generation that needs to re-learn the essential principles the 40th president lived by."

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Quaid is so passionate about the film that he is leading an effort to bring it to the next generation for free. Through his nonprofit organization, Friends of the Reagan Film (FORM), he is providing free tickets to any student who wants to see it.

"Reagan himself often warned us that the United States is only one generation away from losing its freedom," Quaid said. "It’s up to all of us to renew our great legacy of small government and a strong national defense which supports freedom at home and around the world."

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Quaid hopes that the Reagan film will rekindle in our young people that belief in America and these first principles.

The Reagan film is a timely reminder of the importance of strong leadership, a strong economy, and a strong national defense. It is a story that should inspire us all to be better citizens and to work together to make America great again.

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation

Reagan: A Film to Inspire the Next Generation