Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Mark Schmitz, father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, who was killed in action in Afghanistan, reflects on the sacrifices made for our nation's freedoms and urges us to appreciate the privileges we often take for granted.

In the wake of the nation's Fourth of July celebrations, Mark Schmitz, father of Gold Star Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, has shared poignant insights on the true meaning of freedom. Jared, a 20-year-old military hero, gave his life while serving in Afghanistan alongside 12 other American service members in August 2021.

Mark's grief has transformed into a profound appreciation for the freedoms so bravely protected by his son and countless others who have served. He laments the realization that many Americans fail to recognize the value of these privileges, often complaining about trivial matters.

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

"People by nature take things for granted all the time," Mark remarked. "It never bothered me before, but it does personally bother me now when I see people with the freedom they have, and they're wasting it on so many things."

Mark emphasizes the stark contrast between the complacency of some Americans and the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jared and his fellow service members. "People complain about so many things that other people in other countries would love to have and don't have access to," he said.

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

"We have become so routine with what we expect from the world when our kids went out like so many before them and [protected] our freedoms, and some of them don't come home," Mark added.

Jared's unwavering dedication to serving his country was evident from a young age. According to the Freedom 13 website, which was established in his honor, Jared had aspired to join the military since he was eight years old. This aspiration became a reality in 2019 when he officially swore into the Marine Corps.

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

After completing his training during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jared was eager to experience active duty. His first deployment took him to Jordan, where he excelled in training and earned the honor of shooting as a designated marksman.

Jared's enthusiasm knew no bounds when he was called upon to aid in the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. "Jared reached out to me," Mark recalled. "He said he was going someplace, and he couldn't tell me where it was."

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Remembering a Fallen Hero: Father of Gold Star Marine Shares the True Meaning of Freedom

Mark sensed that Jared's destination was Afghanistan, despite his initial attempts to keep it secret. "If you knew my relationship with my son, I wasn't going to settle for that as an answer," Mark said.

Shortly after Jared arrived in Afghanistan, he contacted his father and expressed concerns about his safety amid the overwhelming crowds at the Hamid Karzai International Airport. "He thought he was going to die right then and there because it was just a massive sea of people," Mark said.

On August 26, 2021, Mark received the devastating news that Jared was among the 13 American service members who had been killed in a tragic explosion. "Ultimately, [Jared] was one of the 13 that was tragically killed that day by the explosion," Mark said.

In honor of Jared's sacrifice and the legacy of the 12 other fallen heroes, Mark has established Freedom 13, a foundation dedicated to building veteran retreats in all 50 states. "Remembering The Heroes That Made The Ultimate Sacrifice by Supporting The Veterans Still With Us," Freedom 13's mission statement proclaims.

Through this initiative, Mark seeks to ensure that Jared's memory and the sacrifices of all who have served in the defense of our freedoms are never forgotten.