Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

Thirty-five years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, the memory of those who fought for democracy in China continues to echo. Despite the CCP's efforts to erase the event from history, the voices of the victims and the values they fought for remain a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

Thirty-five years have passed since the tragic events that unfolded in Tiananmen Square, a day that forever etched itself into the annals of history as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the unwavering quest for freedom. The People's Liberation Army, acting on the orders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), ruthlessly silenced the peaceful pro-democracy protests, leaving behind a haunting legacy of bloodshed and broken dreams.

The image of a lone protester, using only his body to confront a row of tanks, became an enduring symbol of resistance against oppression. It captured the essence of the Tiananmen Square massacre, a day of immense tragedy that shocked the world and highlighted humanity's innate desire for liberty.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

However, the tragedy of Tiananmen Square is compounded by the fact that today, most people under the age of 40 in China have little to no understanding of the events that transpired on that fateful day. The CCP has systematically erased the memory of Tiananmen from its public discourse, forbidding teaching about it and removing any references to it from the internet. Even public memorials for the victims are strictly prohibited.

The reason for this suppression is clear: fear. The CCP recognizes that the events of Tiananmen Square, and the values that inspired them, pose a direct challenge to President Xi Jinping's increasingly oppressive rule. Xi and the CCP believe that by erasing the memory of Tiananmen, they can stifle dissent and silence calls for freedom—and to some extent, they have succeeded.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

But we cannot allow the memory of Tiananmen to fade away. The courage and sacrifices of those who stood against tyranny must never be forgotten. It is why we come together to amplify the voices demanding democracy for China, to ensure that the legacy of those who fought for liberty endures.

Nearly a decade before the Tiananmen Square massacre, the United States began engaging with China, believing that economic integration would lead to greater civic freedoms. However, this strategic gamble proved to be a fatal error. Economic growth did not lead to improvements in human rights, but instead emboldened the CCP to tighten its grip on power.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

In recent years, the CCP has intensified its control over its people, extending its authoritarian reach across borders through transnational repression. Xi has transformed China into an Orwellian surveillance state, trampling over human rights with impunity and bullying its neighbors.

In response, the United States has shifted its approach to China, prioritizing national security over economic interests. We are diversifying our supply chains, limiting China's access to technologies, and strengthening our defense alliances.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

While these measures are important for protecting our national security, they must not crowd out our focus on human rights. The United States has a moral obligation to support the Chinese people in their struggle for freedom.

Our commitment to human rights holds weight only when we denounce violations and take action. By uniting with a resolute voice and drawing wisdom from history, we can pave the way for a more dignified future for all people.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty

We must honor the legacy of Tiananmen Square, recognizing the sacrifices made in pursuit of liberty. We stand with those who embody the "enduring human quest for freedom," be it in China or anywhere else in the world.

Through our unwavering support for democracy and human rights, we can give voice to those silenced by the CCP and ensure that the legacy of Tiananmen continues to inspire generations to come.

Remembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of LibertyRemembering Tiananmen: A Tale of Courage, Sacrifice, and the Unflinching Pursuit of Liberty