Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) sharply criticized CNN host Kasie Hunt for suggesting that President Biden should have discussed his health during Wednesday night's address to the nation.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) vehemently defended President Biden's address to the nation on Wednesday, accusing CNN host Kasie Hunt of dwelling too much on the president's health and age.

During an interview on CNN on Thursday, Hunt asked Dingell why Biden did not address his health or age in his speech. Dingell responded with frustration, questioning whether the topic had been discussed excessively.

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

"Have we talked about it enough? I mean, the country knows that happened. They saw it play out in real time," Dingell said. "He made it clear that he thought he could still serve, but he wanted to bring the party together."

Dingell expressed dismay with the internal criticism Biden has faced in recent weeks, arguing that there were more productive ways to communicate concerns rather than engaging in a "circular firing squad."

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

"I think there are ways to communicate things to people without doing it in some of the ways that were done," she said.

Biden's address focused on the challenges facing the nation and his plans for addressing them. He spoke about the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy, among other issues.

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

Rep. Dingell Defends Biden's Address, Blasts CNN for Focusing on Health

Dingell praised Biden's speech, saying he laid out a clear vision for the future and emphasized unity over division.

"I think he laid out very clearly what the future is. It's the difference between hope and hate, unity and division," Dingell said. "And I hope everybody in America heard that... He clearly passed the torch."

Dingell also dismissed concerns about Biden's health, saying he has made his intentions clear and that the focus should now shift to the upcoming election.

"He made it very clear where he was," Dingell said. "We have a lot of work to do between now and then, and I think we ought to not be looking backwards anymore."

Biden's speech came amid mounting pressure from within his own party for him to step aside and allow a younger generation of Democrats to take the reins. Dingell's comments reflect a desire among some Democrats to rally around Biden and support his decision to remain in office.

"He's not going to run. He's not going to seek reelection," Dingell said. "I think he laid that out. He clearly passed the torch."

Dingell's defense of Biden highlights the ongoing debate within the Democratic Party about the future of the party and the role of older leaders. As the election approaches, the focus will likely remain on Biden's health and the potential for a younger generation of Democrats to emerge as the face of the party.