Rep. Foxx Condemns Campus Violence, Vandalism as 'Absolutely Disgusting,' Launches Investigation into University Funding

Rep. Virginia Foxx, Chair of the House Education and Workforce Committee, has expressed outrage over reports of violence and vandalism on college campuses, particularly targeting anti-Israel protests. She has launched an investigation into universities' handling of such incidents and their use of federal funding.

Rep. Foxx Condemns Campus Violence, Vandalism as 'Absolutely Disgusting,' Launches Investigation into University Funding

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), Chairwoman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, has come out strongly against the recent incidents of violence and vandalism on college campuses, describing them as "absolutely disgusting."

Rep. Foxx Condemns Campus Violence, Vandalism as 'Absolutely Disgusting,' Launches Investigation into University Funding

Foxx's condemnation comes in response to a controversial deal struck between Northwestern University and anti-Israel protesters, which has drawn criticism from Jewish organizations and lawmakers. The agreement provides financial and other benefits to Palestinian students in exchange for ending an illegal encampment on campus.

In a letter to Northwestern University leaders, Foxx expressed grave concerns about the university's response to antisemitism and its failure to protect Jewish students. She has demanded answers and documentation regarding the anti-Israel protest, encampment, and other incidents.

Rep. Foxx Condemns Campus Violence, Vandalism as 'Absolutely Disgusting,' Launches Investigation into University Funding

Foxx's letter echoes concerns raised by Jewish groups, who have accused Northwestern University and other institutions of failing to adequately address antisemitism. They point to incidents of intimidation, harassment, and the spread of anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson, who filed a federal complaint against Northwestern over the deal, argues that rewarding illegal behavior only encourages more of it. He believes universities must take a firm stance against disruptive and illegal protests.

Rep. Foxx Condemns Campus Violence, Vandalism as 'Absolutely Disgusting,' Launches Investigation into University Funding

amid the growing concerns about anti-Israel protests, Cornell University President Martha E. Pollack announced her retirement. However, Jacobson emphasizes that simply replacing leaders will not solve the underlying problem of toxicity on some campuses.

Jacobson has called for the abolition of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs at Cornell University, arguing that they foster a culture that sets students against each other and fails to improve society.

The House Education and Workforce Committee's investigation will also examine universities' use of federal funding, raising concerns about whether it is being used to support activities that violate campus policies or create a hostile environment for Jewish students.

The incidents at Northwestern University are not isolated. Campuses across the country have witnessed rising tensions over Israel-Palestine, with protests often turning violent or destructive. Jewish students report feeling intimidated and targeted.

Foxx's investigation and the broader debate underscore the urgent need for universities to address the root causes of campus violence and vandalism, protect all students from discrimination, and uphold the principles of academic freedom and discourse.