Rep. James Clyburn Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as Potential Biden Successor

Congressman Clyburn, a prominent Democratic figure and longtime Biden ally, voiced his support for Harris as the potential nominee if the president decides not to run for reelection. He emphasized the need for the party to rally behind her and reject efforts to bypass her candidacy.

Rep. James Clyburn, a Democratic Party stalwart and influential figure in the 2020 election, has expressed his support for Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential presidential candidate in the event that President Biden decides not to seek reelection.

In an interview with MSNBC, Clyburn emphasized the importance of bolstering support for Harris within the party and condemned any attempts to undermine her candidacy based on her current low poll numbers.

Rep. James Clyburn Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as Potential Biden Successor

Rep. James Clyburn Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as Potential Biden Successor

"We should do everything we can to bolster her, whether it's in second place or the top of the ticket," Clyburn stated.

Clyburn's endorsement is significant given his close relationship with Biden and his status as a respected voice within the Democratic Party. His comments come amid growing speculation about Biden's potential withdrawal from the race, particularly after his widely criticized debate performance last week.

Rep. James Clyburn Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as Potential Biden Successor

Rep. James Clyburn Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as Potential Biden Successor

In response to MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell's question about how he would feel if Biden stepped down, Clyburn unequivocally stated that he would support Harris. However, he also expressed his preference for a Biden-Harris ticket to continue.

"I want this ticket to continue to be Biden-Harris. And then we will see what happens after the next election," Clyburn said.

Clyburn's remarks indicate that while he respects Biden's ultimate decision, he believes the party should be prepared to rally behind Harris as the potential nominee. He emphasized the need to avoid divisive tactics and focus on supporting her candidacy.

"This party should not, in any way, do anything to work around Ms. Harris," Clyburn declared.

Despite the ongoing discussion about potential replacements for Biden, Clyburn maintained that voters he met in Wisconsin during recent events were still firmly behind the president.

"The Democratic voters... they are dug in on this," Clyburn stated.

However, he acknowledged that Biden may ultimately make a different decision, recognizing the possibility that Harris could emerge as the party's nominee if Biden does not run.

Clyburn's endorsement of Harris underscores the growing momentum behind her candidacy and the recognition that she is a viable option for the Democratic Party in the event of Biden's withdrawal.