Rep. Massie Calls for Speaker Johnson's Removal Due to Repeated 'Betrayals'

Kentucky Republican Tom Massie explains his support for ousting Speaker Mike Johnson, citing Johnson's alleged bipartisan work on government spending and foreign aid.

Rep. Massie Calls for Speaker Johnson's Removal Due to Repeated 'Betrayals'

Rep. Tom Massie (R-Ky.) has emerged victorious in a fiercely contested Republican primary, securing an eighth term as the representative for Kentucky's deep red district. The libertarian-leaning Republican has made waves within the House GOP for his staunch opposition to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and his push for Johnson's removal from power.

Massie, along with fellow GOP members Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, sought to unseat Johnson due to his alleged bipartisan efforts on government spending and foreign aid, which they argue betray the majority of Republicans both in Washington and across the nation. Their bid to oust Johnson ultimately failed earlier this month, as a significant number of Democrats joined a majority of Republicans to block a House-wide vote on the matter.

Rep. Massie Calls for Speaker Johnson's Removal Due to Repeated 'Betrayals'

Despite the setback, Massie remains resolute in his belief that Johnson has committed three "betrayals" against the Republican party and its principles. He accuses Johnson of supporting increased government spending, failing to adequately address illegal immigration, and undermining the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

Massie's staunch opposition to Johnson has garnered support from his constituents, who he claims understand and support his rationale for seeking the Speaker's removal. He has faced criticism and derision from fellow GOP lawmakers who warn that his efforts could cost the party the November election. However, Massie remains undeterred, asserting that he is acting in accordance with the wishes of his constituents.

Rep. Massie Calls for Speaker Johnson's Removal Due to Repeated 'Betrayals'

Massie is known for his willingness to defy House leadership and has even confronted former President Donald Trump on multiple occasions. He was a vocal supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' now-defunct presidential primary bid and has recently accused Trump of "ridiculous bullying tactics" for calling for a Republican challenge to sitting House Rep. Laurel Lee (R-Fla.).

Despite opposition from powerful pro-Israel lobby groups, such as the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Massie emerged victorious in Tuesday's primary. AIPAC had invested millions of dollars against Massie due to his opposition to legislation affirming U.S. support for Israel and condemning antisemitism.

Rep. Massie Calls for Speaker Johnson's Removal Due to Repeated 'Betrayals'

Massie dismissed AIPAC's threat, stating that Election Day in Kentucky was a referendum on his opposition to foreign aid, foreign wars, and sanctions, while supporting free speech, privacy, and the Second Amendment. He expressed confidence that his constituents would validate his立场.

Massie's challengers in the primary included former Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Eric Deters and Michael McGinnis, a self-described "sixth generation Kentuckian."