Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

Attorneys General Austin Knudsen of Montana and Kris Kobach of Kansas have filed a complaint alleging that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona violated the Hatch Act by making partisan political statements about President Biden's student loan forgiveness plans.

Montana Republican Attorney General Austin Knudsen and Kansas Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach have filed a complaint with the Hatch Act unit special counsel, alleging that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona violated the Hatch Act in connection with recent comments about President Biden's student loan forgiveness plans.

The Hatch Act is a federal law that limits political activity of federal employees.

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

According to the complaint, Knudsen and Kobach argue that Cardona made on-duty partisan political statements in his official capacity, with the apparent purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election.

The complaint cites a July 15 letter sent by Cardona on official government letterhead, in which he criticized Republican elected officials for opposing Biden's student loan forgiveness plans.

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

In the letter, Cardona said, "Biden and I are determined to lower costs for student loan borrowers, to make repaying student debt affordable and realistic, and to build on our separate efforts that have already provided relief to 4.75 million Americans – no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us."

Knudsen and Kobach argue that this statement, as well as other comments made by Cardona, violated the Hatch Act because they were partisan attacks on elected officials based on their party affiliation.

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

The complaint also notes that the timing of Cardona's comments, just days after the Supreme Court struck down Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, suggests that the statements were politically motivated.

The attorneys general argue that Cardona consciously chose to use government resources for political activities, including to affect the upcoming Presidential election.

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

Republican Attorneys General Accuse Education Secretary of Hatch Act Violations

In view of the repeated, flagrant violations of the Hatch Act, they believe a significant penalty is warranted.

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said in a statement to Fox News Digital that the statements were factually accurate descriptions of the lawsuits, were for the purpose of addressing potential borrower confusion about the status of their loans in the wake of the court decisions, and did not violate the Hatch Act.

However, Knudsen and Kobach maintain that the statements were clear violations of the law and that Cardona should be held accountable.