Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

A group of Cuban American Republicans have accused President Biden of imitating the tactics of Latin American dictators, specifically citing his proposal to overhaul the Supreme Court.

A trio of Cuban American House Republicans has drawn parallels between President Biden's proposal to transform the Supreme Court and the actions of notorious autocrats in Latin America, such as Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

Maria Salazar, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Carlos Gimenez, all Republican representatives from Florida, released a video expressing their concerns. They argue that Biden's plan resembles the methods employed by Chávez and Maduro to manipulate institutions and consolidate power.

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

"This is outrageous," Salazar stated. "It goes against the system, the American exceptionality, that we all enjoy."

Diaz-Balart echoed her sentiments, warning that such actions pose a significant threat to democracy and the freedoms cherished in the United States.

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Gimenez cited Maduro's recent re-election, which was widely condemned as illegitimate, as an example of the dangers of tampering with the electoral process.

"Touching the judicial system is one way to maintain power," Gimenez asserted. "This is really, really dangerous for the national security, for our security, and the security of democracy here in the United States."

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

The Republicans also criticized Democrats for accusing former President Trump of posing a threat to democracy, while simultaneously downplaying the potential risks posed by Biden's Supreme Court proposals.

"The president of the United States is saying that he wants to change the democracy," Salazar remarked. "So be very careful, because touching the Supreme Court is touching the core of the American system."

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Republicans Compare Biden's Court Proposal to Dictatorship Tactics

Biden's plan includes measures like implementing a code of ethics, limiting presidential immunity, and instituting term limits for Supreme Court justices.

While Democrats have hailed the initiative, Republicans have almost unanimously rejected it. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., stated that such changes would not be considered by a GOP-controlled House.

"This proposal is the logical conclusion to the Biden-Harris Administration and congressional Democrats’ ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Supreme Court," Johnson said. "Their calls to expand and pack the Court will soon resume."