Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans have introduced a set of legislative reforms to re-center the healthcare system on the patient and make it more affordable.

The American people are waking up to the failures of President Joe Biden and the Democrats' healthcare policies. Recent polling shows that a majority of voters believe healthcare has become more expensive under Biden. Republicans are proposing a series of reforms to fix the broken healthcare system and make it more affordable for everyone.

One of the key components of the Republican plan is to increase price transparency. This will make it easier for patients to compare prices and find the best deals on healthcare services. Republicans will strengthen and expand former President Donald Trump's price transparency executive orders for providers and payers. This will put a patient's right to know out of the reach of bureaucratic whim and make it much harder to weaken.

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

To fully benefit from price transparency, patients need an insurance product that rewards them for finding better deals at lower costs. Republicans will create a new system of insurance products that incentivize patients to shop around. If patients can find a better deal than the insurance company, they should not be penalized with higher premium rates or cost-sharing just because that provider was out-of-network.

Employers also need transparency into healthcare costs, as they are responsible in negotiating down health costs for their employees. Republicans will require employers to provide their employees with information on the cost of different healthcare services. This will help employers make better decisions about their health plans and negotiate lower prices with providers.

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Site-neutral payment policies would pay all providers in the same geographic areas the same for the same procedures. This would save taxpayers and patients money and remove a powerful incentive toward consolidation by removing one reason why hospitals will buy up independent surgery practices.

Republicans will modernize Obamacare subsidies to stop showering Fortune 500 health insurance companies with billions of taxpayer funds, and instead turn over those dollars to patients. This will make subsidies portable, eligible to be applied to any state-approved individual or small group plan approved by the state insurance commissioner, and available for use in individual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans will strengthen safety net programs, like Medicaid, by prioritizing care for the working poor and disabled. Republicans will establish work requirements in Medicaid. This will help ensure that people who are able to work are contributing to society and that resources are available for those who truly need them.

These reforms aim to take power away from big government and insurance company bureaucrats and put patients and doctors back in charge of healthcare. They would make healthcare and coverage more affordable and improve quality of care for every single American. With the American people now awake to the failures of the Democrats' promises to make healthcare more affordable, Republicans should aggressively run on these ideas this fall to create the mandate to pass them in 2025.

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable

Republicans' Plan to Fix Healthcare and Make It More Affordable