Republicans Push Back Against Biden's Decision to Halt Weapons Shipments to Israel

GOP lawmakers are condemning President Biden's decision to withhold critical munitions from Israel, arguing that it compromises the country's defense capabilities and undermines America's commitment to its closest ally in the region.

Republicans Push Back Against Biden's Decision to Halt Weapons Shipments to Israel

In the face of escalating tensions between Israel and Hamas, President Joe Biden's decision to halt weapons shipments to Israel has sparked outrage among Republicans, who are accusing him of betraying a key ally and jeopardizing regional stability.

Rep. Zach Nunn (R-Iowa) joined "Fox & Friends First" to denounce the president's move, emphasizing that it sends a dangerous signal to Iran-backed Hamas and undermines Israel's ability to defend itself.

Republicans Push Back Against Biden's Decision to Halt Weapons Shipments to Israel

"Choosing to deny critical munitions to Israel is reprehensible. And it reeks of politics," Nunn stated. "The very weapons he's purposefully revoking are kits to convert bombs into precision-guided ammunition. Preventing these weapons from reaching Israeli hands only contradicts the Biden administration's self-professed goal, which is to push Israel to conduct precise strikes against Hamas to reduce civilian casualties."

According to Nunn, who recently returned from a visit to Israel, President Biden's decision stands in stark contrast to the strong support for Israel expressed by Congress.

Republicans Push Back Against Biden's Decision to Halt Weapons Shipments to Israel

"In April, Congress, with my help, did its part in standing with our ally by approving critical weapons support. Leading up to this bill's passage, Biden said the aid to Israel was 'critical' – and that 'swift and decisive action' was required 'ensure the government of Israel has everything it needs to defend itself.' Yet, when it is his time to act, he fails to do so," Nunn said.

The Republican lawmaker further criticized the Biden administration for its inconsistent messaging on its commitment to Israel's security.

Republicans Push Back Against Biden's Decision to Halt Weapons Shipments to Israel

"Time and time again, over the last seven months, the administration has reassured the American people their commitment to Israeli security is 'ironclad.' That's clearly a bunch of bull," Nunn stated.

He warned that Biden's decision to withhold ammunition could embolden Hamas and make it more difficult for Israel to avoid civilian casualties.

"Any weakness in U.S. resolve right now only incentivizes Iran-backed Hamas to continue its massacre, and certainly to walk away from any ceasefire negotiations," Nunn said.

Nunn also accused Biden of capitulating to the anti-Israel elements within his party, a move that he believes will have severe consequences.

"You've made your choice, Mr. President. You are choosing the side of Iran-backed Hamas terrorists who brutally rape women and burn babies. You are choosing the side of antisemites who are ruining the lives of Jewish students across this country," Nunn said.

"Now you will live with the consequences – and most gravely, so will the American hostages and U.S. servicemembers being targeted daily by Iranian proxies," he added.

Republicans, according to Nunn, will remain unwavering in their support for Israel and its Jewish friends. "Never Again is right now, and we will be on the right side of history," he declared.