Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Politico columnist Jonathan Martin argues that a Trump loss would pave the way for the GOP to move on from his influence and build a stronger party.

For the Republican Party, a Donald Trump defeat in the 2024 presidential election could be the key to unlocking a promising future, according to Politico senior columnist Jonathan Martin.

In a recent column for Politico Magazine, Martin lays out the case for why a Trump loss would ultimately benefit the GOP. He posits that with Trump out of the picture, the party can finally shed his influence and embark on a path towards a "post-Trump party."

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Martin emphasizes the importance of a decisive Trump loss, as it would diminish his political clout and expedite the GOP's transition away from his brand of politics. He argues that the more convincingly Vice President Kamala Harris wins the popular vote and electoral college, the less political ammunition Trump will have to continue his divisive rhetoric.

Martin contends that the GOP would fare better under a Harris administration than a Trump one. He predicts that Harris would be compelled to adopt more moderate policies due to the Republican-controlled Senate, leading to a return to routine gridlock in the government.

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

He also asserts that the GOP would have greater opportunities for electoral gains under Harris. With Trump absent from the political landscape, Republicans would face easier matchups in Senate races and gubernatorial elections.

Martin cites the opinion of a "high-level Republican" who suggests that a Harris victory followed by Biden pardons for Hunter Biden and Trump would create the ideal scenario for the GOP. This would resolve both legal cases and drain Trump's "persecution complex," allowing Republicans to focus on winning elections.

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Republicans See Harris Victory as Path to Post-Trump Future

Martin underscores the urgency of moving past Trump for the GOP's viability as a national party. He highlights the weak candidates Trump has supported in recent elections and the Democratic Party's ability to unite against him as a common enemy. However, he believes that with Trump gone, Democrats will lose their best source of motivation and face challenges in key areas.

Martin concludes by reiterating that a Trump loss in November would be the catalyst for the GOP to build a stronger, more successful party in the future. He maintains that the party's electoral prospects will improve once the former president is no longer dominating the political landscape.

While some conservative commentators have criticized Martin's argument, others, such as former Trump staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin, have praised it for its honesty.