Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

A retired geologist was taken aback when he stumbled upon a trove of artifacts beneath his lawn, prompting him to embark on a journey of archaeological exploration that has unveiled a fascinating lost Bronze Age settlement. Inspired by the popular TV series "Time Team," he has meticulously amassed a collection of over 2,500 artifacts, shedding new light on the ancient history of his backyard and the surrounding area.

Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

Andrew Beckly, a retired geologist from Wellington, Somerset, England, has made an extraordinary discovery in his own backyard, thanks to his passion for archaeology and the inspiration he drew from the popular TV series "Time Team." While sifting through soil in his garden, he stumbled upon an arrowhead, a remarkable find that sparked a journey of exploration and discovery.

Unbeknownst to him at the time, this chance discovery was the gateway to a lost Bronze Age settlement, hidden beneath the lawn of his property. Beckly's fascination with archaeology, fueled by his avid viewing of "Time Team," provided him with the knowledge and enthusiasm to pursue this unexpected opportunity.

Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

After rewatching episodes of the show, Beckly's eye was keen to recognize the significance of the arrowhead he found. Intrigued by the possibility of uncovering more history, he expanded his search beyond his backyard, scouring nearby fields for additional evidence.

His efforts were rewarded as he unearthed a remarkable collection of artifacts, including blades, axes, and microliths, small tools dating back to the lifetime of woolly mammoths. These finds hinted at the presence of prehistoric hunter-gatherers in the area.

Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

Drawing upon his geological knowledge and his newfound understanding of prehistoric artifacts, Beckly meticulously cataloged and studied his collection. He let the artifacts themselves guide his learning, carefully drawing each piece to scale in detailed volumes.

Inspired by the work of archaeologist and "Time Team" star Francis Pryor, Beckly became convinced that the Wellington hillside, near the M5 highway, once served as an ideal location for human habitation. This area would have attracted migrating animals, making it a prime spot for ancient hunter-gatherers.

Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

Beckly's remarkable discoveries challenge the assumption that the west country of England has a limited prehistoric presence. His findings suggest that the area may hold more archaeological treasures than previously thought.

Despite initial skepticism from heritage experts, Beckly's collection has now gained recognition as genuine Bronze Age tools. The artifacts are currently being examined by experts to assess their significance and shed light on the lost Bronze Age settlement that once flourished in Beckly's backyard.

Retired Geologist Amazed by 'Time Team' Discovery of Lost Bronze Age Settlement in Backyard

Among the fascinating artifacts is a "bladelet," similar to samples typically found in France. This discovery raises the possibility of connections between France and the U.K. thousands of years ago, hinting at trade and migration during ancient times.

Beckly's backyard exploration has not only unearthed a lost piece of history but has also sparked a profound appreciation for the hidden stories that lie beneath our feet. His dedication to preserving and studying these artifacts is a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the importance of unearthing our shared past.

As the evaluation of Beckly's collection continues, it is clear that his backyard discovery has the potential to reshape our understanding of the Bronze Age in the west country of England. His passion for archaeology and his willingness to follow his instincts have led to an extraordinary journey of discovery, providing a glimpse into a lost world that once existed in the most unexpected of places.