Richard Dawkins Defends Binary Sex, Blasts 'Dictatorial Wokeism'

Biologist Richard Dawkins has sparked controversy by asserting that sex is binary and criticizing "dictatorial wokeism." On his podcast, Dawkins praised J.K. Rowling for challenging gender ideology and predicted that dogmatic forms of thinking like "McCarthyism" will eventually fade away.

Richard Dawkins Defends Binary Sex, Blasts 'Dictatorial Wokeism'

In a recent episode of his podcast "The Poetry of Reality," renowned evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins ignited a firestorm by unequivocally stating that sex is binary, consisting solely of male and female. This bold assertion came amidst a broader discussion on gender ideology and the erosion of scientific principles in modern society.

Dawkins, widely known for his seminal works on atheism and evolution, expressed his admiration for Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has been a vocal critic of transgender ideology. He lauded Rowling for challenging Scotland's new hate speech law, which some perceived as criminalizing certain views on gender identity.

Richard Dawkins Defends Binary Sex, Blasts 'Dictatorial Wokeism'

"Brave and courageous people, like @jk_rowling, who speak out about the distortion of the definition of woman, will allow the tides to turn," Dawkins wrote on social media, accompanying a clip from his podcast episode.

During the podcast, Dawkins elaborated on his support for Rowling, arguing that she was "really out there in the thick of it." He expressed his skepticism about the Scottish government's ability to arrest Rowling for her views, adding that "she's not an easy person to put in prison."

Richard Dawkins Defends Binary Sex, Blasts 'Dictatorial Wokeism'

Taryn Southern, Dawkins' podcast co-host, echoed his sentiments, suggesting that the growing number of individuals expressing dissenting opinions would ultimately shift public opinion. "They say 'Okay, well, I guess if we express this opinion we won't be fired from our jobs, we won't be put in prison so maybe it's okay,'" she said.

Dawkins also addressed concerns that his views were hateful or oppressive towards transgender individuals. He clarified that while he acknowledged the existence of such individuals, he vehemently disagreed with their belief that they can change their biological sex.

Richard Dawkins Defends Binary Sex, Blasts 'Dictatorial Wokeism'

"That's a ridiculous question," Dawkins stated. "I don't deny their existence and I don't in any way oppress them. What I object to is the statement 'A woman can have a penis,' 'A transwoman is a woman.' I object to that because that's a distortion of language and a distortion of science."

Earlier in the episode, Dawkins expressed optimism that the current climate of "dictatorial wokeism" would eventually fade away, similar to the demise of McCarthyism in the 1950s. He attributed this shift in public opinion to a combination of gossip, conversations, journalism, and legal rulings.

"I'm just looking forward to the change in the present climate of opinion," Dawkins said.

Dawkins' comments have drawn mixed reactions. Some have hailed him as a defender of science and reason, while others have accused him of transphobia and intolerance. Regardless of the controversy, Dawkins' unwavering stance on binary sex and his critique of "wokeism" have ignited a heated debate about the intersection of science, ideology, and society.