Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Olympic swimmer Riley Gaines has thrown her support behind Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn's reelection campaign, praising her unwavering stance on preserving women's sports and the importance of maintaining the distinction between male and female athletes.

Riley Gaines, the former Kentucky Wildcats swimming star who made headlines for her outspoken advocacy against transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, has endorsed Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn's bid for reelection. Gaines believes Blackburn's unwavering stance on protecting women's sports aligns with her own mission to ensure fairness and equality in athletic competitions.

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

In a statement obtained by Fox News Digital, Gaines emphasized the importance of recognizing the biological differences between men and women and the need to safeguard women's spaces from the encroachment of woke politics. She commended Blackburn's fearless advocacy for female athletes and her commitment to upholding the hard-fought equality that women have achieved through generations of struggle.

"As a fearless advocate for female athletes, Senator Blackburn will continue to ensure they are recognized for their accomplishments and protected from the left's woke identity crisis," Gaines declared. "I'm on Team Marsha because future generations of girls depend on us to preserve the equality that generations before us fought so hard to achieve."

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Gaines's support for Blackburn is showcased in a campaign ad, first viewed by Fox News Digital, where she underscores the imperative of safeguarding women's spaces and the dignity of female athletes. "I trained my entire life to be the best," Gaines says in the ad. "I was one of the fastest women in the entire country. But woke politics made me swim against a man, sharing the pool and the locker room. That's not just dangerous; it's degrading."

Gaines expresses gratitude for Blackburn's staunch defense of women's rights and her unwavering commitment to protecting them. "Thank God for Marsha Blackburn," she proclaims. "No one fights harder to protect us. Marsha Blackburn will always stand for strong women because she's one of us."

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Beyond her personal endorsement, Gaines has also praised Blackburn's political acumen and unwavering principles. "Senator Blackburn has been a fierce defender of common sense, traditional values, and women," Gaines stated. "Few are as morally sound and unapologetic as she is. She makes me proud to be a Tennessean."

Blackburn's support for women's sports and her opposition to transgender athletes competing in women's events have garnered significant attention and support among conservative voters. She has been a vocal critic of the NCAA's decision to allow transgender athletes to compete in women's sports, arguing that it undermines the integrity of women's athletics and the opportunities for female athletes.

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

Riley Gaines Backs Marsha Blackburn's Reelection Bid, Champions Women's Sports

In the upcoming Republican primary, Blackburn faces competition from Tres Wittum, while the Democratic primary features several candidates, including Marquita Bradshaw, Lola Brown, Gloria Johnson, and Civil Miller-Watkins. Blackburn's reelection campaign will undoubtedly focus on her conservative values, her strong support for the military, and her commitment to protecting the interests of Tennesseans.

Gaines's endorsement and the ongoing debate surrounding transgender athlete participation in women's sports are likely to remain key talking points in the upcoming election cycle. Blackburn's unwavering stance on this issue is expected to resonate with voters who share her concerns about fairness and equality in sports.