Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Comedian and social media influencer Zach Sage Fox traveled to the West Bank to see if Palestinian people truly support the Hamas terror group. He almost didn’t make it out alive.

Comedian and social media influencer Zach Sage Fox traveled to the West Bank to see if Palestinian people truly support the Hamas terror group. He almost didn’t make it out alive.

Fox, who went viral earlier this year when his "Gaza Graduation" video featured anti-Israel protesters in New York City struggling to correctly answer basic questions about the Israel-Hamas war, has been on a crusade to educate his followers since the terror attacks of October 7.

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

He recently brought his popular man-on-the-street style interviews to the West Bank, a contentious territory that Palestinians hope to establish as an independent state along with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Fox, a "loud and proud" Jewish American, was in Israel to create content when a member of his production team offered him the opportunity to enter the West Bank alongside a Muslim producer and cameraman.

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Fox knew it could be a dangerous project but was interested because American journalists are rarely able to secure unfettered access to Palestinians.

"Israelis are literally not allowed into Palestine; they're not allowed into the West Bank. However, I'm not Israeli, I'm an American Jew, and it doesn't say ‘Jew’ on my passport. So, I was told, ‘As long as you don't say you're Jewish, you know, they're not going to kill you on the spot,’" Fox told Fox News Digital.

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

"I really looked in the mirror that night and I said, ‘I think I could pass for Italian,’" Fox continued. "I'm going to take the risk."

To get ready for the daring trip, Fox removed his signature flair, such as jewelry and nail polish, and wore the most "masculine" outfit he had. He didn’t tell most of his friends and family back in America about his plans, explaining that they would likely have talked him out of it.

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

Risky Trip to Speak with Hamas Supporters in West Bank

During the journey, Fox told anyone who asked he was an Italian American and was able to cross the border into the West Bank without issue, which he felt was "kind of shocking."

Fox began his time in the West Bank with a prearranged interview with a man who was described to him by his Muslim producer as a "very smart and civil," "somewhat moderate" thinker who holds a Master’s degree and speaks good English. They sat down at a coffee shop in Ramallah, the Palestinian "capital" located near Jerusalem.

The man denied that "innocent Israelis" were killed during the attacks of October 7, expressed support for Hamas and suggested rape never occurred during the barbaric attacks.

"I realized quickly, if this is someone being presented to me as one of the more educated people, I might be in for a real shock," Fox said.

Then he hit the streets to find locals and recorded a series of spontaneous interviews while walking around Ramallah.