Robert De Niro Defends Outspoken Criticism of Trump Amid Public Fallout

Actor Robert De Niro has defended his vocal opposition to former President Trump, despite facing criticism and the revocation of an award from the National Association of Broadcasters. De Niro spoke out about his reasons for speaking against Trump during last week's press conference outside the Manhattan courthouse.

Robert De Niro Defends Outspoken Criticism of Trump Amid Public Fallout

Legendary actor Robert De Niro has boldly defended his recent outspoken criticism of former President Trump, despite the backlash and loss of a prestigious award. In an interview with NBC's "TODAY" show, De Niro explained his motivations for speaking out against a political leader he believes poses a threat to the country.

De Niro's comments came outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump was convicted last week on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The "Heat" star joined a press conference organized by the Biden campaign and expressed his deep concern about Trump's potential to cause further harm.

Robert De Niro Defends Outspoken Criticism of Trump Amid Public Fallout

"We’re in a very bad situation," De Niro told co-host Craig Melvin. "This is not a threat. This is our reality. And that's why I've joined the Biden-Harris campaign, because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president."

De Niro's remarks painted a grim picture of Trump's impact, declaring, "Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country. And eventually he could destroy the world."

Robert De Niro Defends Outspoken Criticism of Trump Amid Public Fallout

During the press conference, De Niro engaged with pro-Trump protesters and hecklers, further escalating the spectacle. However, he stood by his words, saying, "What we have here is a denial of truth, all over the place."

De Niro's alliance with the Biden-Harris campaign, which included narrating an anti-Trump political ad, drew criticism and ultimately led the National Association of Broadcasters to withdraw a planned award. The group cited De Niro's "high-profile activities" as a distraction from their philanthropic mission.

Robert De Niro Defends Outspoken Criticism of Trump Amid Public Fallout

Undeterred, De Niro defended his actions, saying, "I think we all are [concerned about Trump's behavior]."

Condemning Trump's post-verdict speech, De Niro remarked, "It’s just insane, and I’m very, very concerned about it. I think we all are."

He added, "So that’s why I felt that I had to do something – say something about it, to go on record."

Robert De Niro's outspoken opposition to Trump demonstrates the actor's deep concern for the country. While his actions may have sparked controversy, De Niro has remained steadfast in his belief that it is essential to speak out against those who threaten the nation's well-being.