Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. asserts that he meets the requirements set by CNN for participation in the upcoming presidential debates, despite objections from network officials.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria

In a recent interview with Fox News, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. expressed confidence in his eligibility for the upcoming presidential debates, citing his fulfillment of the criteria established by CNN. The independent candidate emphasized that his team has satisfied all of the outlet's requirements, which include attaining a sufficient number of electoral votes and achieving the requisite polling threshold.

Kennedy asserted that he has secured enough signatures to garner 201 electoral votes, with projections of reaching 340 by the month's end. This, he argues, surpasses the threshold of 270 electoral votes required for ballot access. Additionally, Kennedy presented CNN with five national polls, including the Harvard-Harris poll, Monmouth poll, Quinnipiac poll, and a recent CNN poll, demonstrating that he has met the 15% support threshold in each survey.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria

"We will be on the ballot, and we have enough signatures for 201 electoral votes," Kennedy stated. "By the end of the month, we'll be at 340."

He highlighted his team's ongoing discussions with CNN to secure his inclusion in the debates, emphasizing that he qualifies based on the network's own criteria. "CNN published a list of criteria for candidates to get in, and we have shown CNN that we meet all of those criteria," Kennedy explained.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria

Kennedy also outlined his key policy stances on critical election issues such as the economy, abortion, and immigration. Regarding immigration, he proposed closing the border immediately and expressed willingness to deport a significant number of undocumented immigrants, while acknowledging the need to avoid tearing families apart.

On the economy, Kennedy attributed the current 40-year-high inflation to uncontrolled government spending and criticized both President Biden and former President Trump for failing to address the issue effectively. He also clarified his stance on abortion, supporting a woman's right to choose up until the point of fetal viability, after which the government has a legitimate interest in protecting the child.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria

Kennedy's determination to participate in the debates stems from his belief that he offers a viable alternative to the current frontrunners. He dismissed President Biden's policies as inadequate, stating that "Biden is not leading, he's dragging." Kennedy also challenged former President Trump's character, describing him as "a threat to our democracy."

In his view, Kennedy represents a moderate, independent voice with a proven track record of activism and advocacy on environmental, public health, and social justice issues. He believes that his inclusion in the debates will provide voters with a broader range of perspectives and a more informed choice in the upcoming election.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contends Eligibility for Presidential Debates, Citing CNN Criteria