Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses his recent conversations with former President Donald Trump, their agreement to continue criticizing each other on issues they disagree on, and his endorsement of Trump's campaign.

In an exclusive interview on "Fox News Sunday," former Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed details of his conversations with former President Donald Trump and explained his decision to endorse Trump's campaign. Kennedy's endorsement marked a departure from his initial bid as a Democrat in a primary challenge against President Biden.

Kennedy stated that Trump had been periodically reaching out to his campaign, including a conversation "a few hours" after the assassination attempt against Trump in July. Trump had invited Kennedy to form a "unity government," an offer Kennedy welcomed.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

"We agreed that we'd be able to continue to criticize each other on the issues where we don't agree, but these issues are so important and they're a way of unifying the country," Kennedy said. He emphasized areas of agreement, such as ending the Ukraine war, preventing censorship, and promoting children's health.

Kennedy's decision to drop out of the race and endorse Trump was attributed to his belief that he lacked a path to victory due to "censorship" by the media. He argued that his campaign had failed to gain ground due to limited network appearances, unlike Ross Perot's 34 network appearances during his 10-month campaign.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Kennedy's announcement sparked speculation about his possible role in a Trump administration. However, Kennedy emphasized that his endorsement was based on shared priorities and did not imply a desire for a specific position.

Kennedy's endorsement has ignited debate about its potential impact on the campaign dynamics between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Some analysts believe Kennedy's support could boost Trump's chances in key swing states.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Political analysts and data experts have noted Kennedy's recent poll numbers in battleground states, showing his support ranging from 5% to 6%. These results suggest that his endorsement could sway a significant number of voters.

Kennedy's alliance with Trump has also raised questions about his reasons. Some have suggested it could be a strategic move to influence Trump's policies or secure a position in his administration.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Trump and I Will Continue to 'Criticize' Each Other on Differences

However, Kennedy has dismissed such speculations, maintaining that his endorsement is driven by his belief in the importance of addressing the issues they agree on.

As the election nears, the dynamics of the campaign continue to shift. Kennedy's endorsement and the resulting debates about its impact underscore the fluidity and uncertainty of the political landscape.