Rooftop Revelations: A Clarion Call for Parental Responsibility Amidst Failing Schools

Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D., issues a compelling message to parents, urging them to take ownership of their children's education amid a critical crisis in America's schools. With staggering statistics from Baltimore schools highlighting the alarming failure to meet proficiency standards, Brooks emphasizes the need for families to prioritize education and advocate for their children's future.

Over a year ago, the disheartening news emerged that 23 public schools in Baltimore had not a single student proficient in math at their grade level, leaving 2,000 students struggling. To add insult to injury, 20 additional schools reported only one or two students at grade level, while not a single high school student achieved the highest possible score.

Rooftop Revelations: A Clarion Call for Parental Responsibility Amidst Failing Schools

Rooftop Revelations: A Clarion Call for Parental Responsibility Amidst Failing Schools

This grim reality is not isolated to Baltimore; it serves as a sobering wake-up call for America as a whole. Schools across the nation are pumping out functionally illiterate graduates, setting them up for failure in an increasingly demanding job market.

The societal dysfunction surrounding this educational crisis is evident in the finger-pointing that ensues. Citizens blame local and state governments, educators, and even politicians. While such criticisms are warranted, they fail to address the fundamental issue: parental responsibility.

Parents have abdicated their primary duty of raising their children to state-run institutions and have become accustomed to blaming others for their educational shortcomings. Outraged parents who challenge the system are admirable, but their efforts often face resistance and burnout.

Why is education not the number one priority today? While the media focuses on sensationalized issues, our children's futures are hanging in the balance. The failure of our leaders should serve as a stark reminder that parents must take matters into their own hands.

They need to stop relinquishing their most precious asset, their children, to indifferent authorities. Instead, parents must prioritize the gift of learning and pass it down to their offspring, regardless of their own circumstances.

Frederick Douglass, a former slave, taught himself to read and do math under the oppressive shadow of slavery. His story epitomizes the indomitable spirit that parents must cultivate in their children. With pure determination and a hunger for knowledge, parents can empower their kids to overcome any obstacle.

Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D., implores parents to awaken to the dire state of America's schools. By taking ownership of their children's education and advocating for their future, they can break the cycle of failure that pervades our educational system and ensure a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.