Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea: A Collaborating Threat to Global Security

Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane (Ret.) discusses the escalating threats posed by the collaboration between Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, highlighting their coordinated efforts to undermine global stability.

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea: A Collaborating Threat to Global Security

Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane (Ret.) has raised concerns about the deepening collaboration between Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, warning that their combined actions pose a significant threat to global security. Keane emphasized the need for the United States and its allies to adopt a resolute stance to counter this growing alliance of authoritarian regimes.

Keane highlighted China's unwavering support for Russia in its ongoing war in Ukraine, providing it with diplomatic cover, economic assistance, and potentially even arms. This collaboration reflects their shared interests in challenging the established global order and undermining the unity of the West.

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea: A Collaborating Threat to Global Security

Meanwhile, North Korea has continued to escalate its provocations, recently flying hundreds of balloons carrying trash and manure into South Korea. Keane described this bizarre act as a blatant violation of international norms and a deliberate attempt to antagonize its neighbor.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has also urged his military scientists to overcome a recent failed satellite launch and continue developing space-based reconnaissance capabilities. Keane expressed concern that these efforts could serve as a cover for the development of advanced missile technology, posing a threat to both South Korea and the United States.

South Korea has responded to North Korea's provocations by mobilizing chemical and explosive response teams to recover the balloons and debris. However, Keane cautioned that Seoul must remain vigilant against further threats, particularly in light of Kim's warnings of unspecified "overwhelming actions" against South Korea.

Animosity between North and South Korea has reached unprecedented levels as Kim ramps up his weapons demonstrations and South Korea intensifies its joint military exercises with the United States and Japan. Keane stressed the importance of regional stability and urged dialogue and diplomacy to de-escalate tensions.

Kim's failed satellite launch marks a setback in his plan to launch three more military spy satellites this year. However, Keane warned that North Korea's relentless pursuit of space-based capabilities could potentially lead to the development of advanced missiles capable of reaching the United States.

The United States, South Korea, and Japan have condemned North Korea's satellite launch, citing its violation of UN resolutions. Keane reiterated the need for international pressure on Pyongyang to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programs.

Kim has recently increased his interaction with Russia, meeting with President Vladimir Putin in September. Keane suggested that Russia may be providing North Korea with technological assistance in developing its space program, posing further risks to regional stability.

The United States and South Korea have accused North Korea of supplying Russia with military equipment for its war in Ukraine. Keane emphasized the importance of countering this collaboration and holding Russia and North Korea accountable for their actions.

Keane concluded by urging the United States and its allies to recognize the severity of the threat posed by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea's collaboration. He called for a decisive response to deter their aggressive behaviors and safeguard global stability.