Russia-North Korea Relations: A Timeline of Cooperation and Defiance

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit North Korea, marking a significant development in the relationship between the two nations. This article provides a timeline of key events that have shaped the Russia-North Korea dynamic over the past two decades, highlighting their cooperation and defiance in the face of international pressure.

Russian President Vladimir Putin embarked on his first official visit to North Korea, meeting with then-leader Kim Jong Il. This marked a significant step in establishing diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Russia actively participated in the United Nations Security Council's efforts to penalize North Korea for its nuclear and missile proliferation. Moscow supported nine major resolutions, including measures banning arms trade, technology transfers, and luxury goods shipments to Pyongyang.

Russia-North Korea Relations: A Timeline of Cooperation and Defiance

Russia-North Korea Relations: A Timeline of Cooperation and Defiance

Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held their first summit in Vladivostok, Russia. This meeting symbolized a shift in Russia's stance toward North Korea, from one of condemnation to one of potential cooperation.

North Korea closed its borders with Russia and China due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Russian diplomats and their families resorted to using a hand-pushed rail trolley to cross the frontier.

Russia-North Korea Relations: A Timeline of Cooperation and Defiance

Russia-North Korea Relations: A Timeline of Cooperation and Defiance

Russia invaded Ukraine, prompting North Korea to express support for Moscow. Pyongyang blamed the West's "hegemonic policy" and "high-handedness" for the conflict.

Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-drafted resolution that sought to impose further sanctions on North Korea. This public split within the U.N. Security Council was a testament to the growing alignment between Moscow and Pyongyang.

Russia's then-Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Pyongyang and toured a defense expo showcasing North Korea's banned ballistic missiles.

Kim Jong Un traveled to Russia's Far East for a second summit with Putin. The leaders discussed military cooperation, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russian assistance in North Korea's satellite program.

The United States accused North Korea of supplying weapons to Russia, an allegation later denied by both Moscow and Pyongyang.

North Korea successfully launched its first spy satellite into orbit, prompting speculation that Russia may have provided technical assistance.

The U.S. intelligence community asserted that Russia had deployed short-range ballistic missiles procured from North Korea in its attacks on Ukraine. Independent experts and U.N. sanctions monitors subsequently corroborated this claim.

Russia vetoed the renewal of the U.N. panel tasked with monitoring sanctions on North Korea related to its nuclear and missile programs.

The United States and Britain imposed sanctions on Russian entities linked to arms transfers with North Korea.

President Putin scheduled his second visit to North Korea. This upcoming summit is expected to further strengthen the cooperative relationship between the two nations and potentially send a message of defiance to the international community.