Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

Matt Taibbi, a renowned investigative journalist, dismisses the Justice Department's accusations that Russia is attempting to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, drawing parallels to the persistent "Friday the 13th" horror movie franchise.

Despite the Justice Department's repeated allegations of Russian interference in U.S. elections, investigative journalist Matt Taibbi remains skeptical, likening the situation to the relentless return of the fictional horror villain Jason Voorhees in the "Friday the 13th" movies.

In a segment on "The Story," Taibbi expressed his doubts about the latest claims, arguing that the story "just won't go away" and that there has been a pattern of overblown and unsubstantiated accusations in the past.

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

The Department of Justice has accused Russia of using state-run media and online platforms to influence American voters through a campaign dubbed "doppelganger." However, Taibbi contends that the indictment's language does not explicitly state that Russia was promoting Donald Trump.

According to Taibbi, the allegations against Russia are "very confusing" and that "it's hard to tell exactly what happened and who was supporting whom." Taibbi highlights the importance of distinguishing between supporting U.S. domestic divisions and promoting a specific candidate.

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

The Justice Department has taken action by seizing 32 websites allegedly linked to the Russian government and by indicting two employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled outlet. However, Taibbi points out that similar accusations have been made before, such as the allegations surrounding the Hamilton 68 website and the Steele dossier, which turned out to be inaccurate.

RT has released a statement mocking the allegations, questioning their validity and expressing amusement. In response, Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasized the seriousness of the situation, stating that the department would "treat it accordingly."

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

Russiagate: Matt Taibbi Dismisses Justice Department's Latest Allegations

Additionally, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned other U.S. adversaries against attempting to interfere in elections, stating, "Knock it off."

Despite the parallels to the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, many Republicans remain skeptical, echoing Taibbi's concerns. They believe that the story is politically motivated and aimed at damaging Donald Trump.

Taibbi stresses that the utility of the "Russiagate" story as a propaganda vehicle is directed squarely at Trump. He argues that the story would not have received as much attention if it did not have a connection to Trump, which he believes has been the case since its inception in 2016.

In conclusion, Matt Taibbi dismisses the Justice Department's latest allegations of Russian interference, drawing parallels to the persistent nature of the "Friday the 13th" movie franchise. He questions the validity of the claims, expressing skepticism based on past experiences with overblown accusations. While the Biden administration and FBI officials have emphasized the seriousness of the situation, Republicans remain skeptical, citing concerns about political motives and the potential impact on Donald Trump.