Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Despite Kremlin's public disinterest, Russian media and foreign ministry officials analyzed the Trump-Harris presidential debate in detail, largely declaring Harris the victor.

Moscow's response to the Trump-Harris presidential debate was a curious mix of official indifference and extensive media coverage. Russian President Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitriy Peskov, publicly denied any intention to watch the event, claiming it was "not their business." However, Russian media outlets, largely controlled by the state, presented a different story.

Upon the debate's conclusion, Russian media exploded with detailed analyses and reportage. Putin's commentariat unanimously declared Harris the winner. Business journal Kommersant lauded Harris' "mastery" in attacking and counterattacking, seizing the initiative from the outset and putting Trump on the defensive.

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Russian state media eagerly quoted Harris' comments regarding Putin, including her assertions that "Putin will eat you for lunch" and "Putin would already be sitting in Kyiv" if Trump were president. Despite Peskov's prior request for candidates not to mention Putin's name during the debate, the Russian president's name was invoked numerous times, with Channel One proudly announcing that it was mentioned "no fewer than 12 times."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova seized the opportunity to attack the United States, comparing the debate to an "arena event" and a "match on the Titanic." Russian propaganda exploited the comparison to spread the narrative of American collapse due to extreme political, religious, and ethnic polarization.

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Komsomolskaya Pravda published articles speculating that Harris' success in the debate stemmed from her alleged use of ear-rings that concealed audio prompters. This conspiracy theory went viral on social media, bolstering Kremlin interests.

Gazeta highlighted the fear of growing crisis within the United States, a claim that aligns with Kremlin propaganda. The article concluded that America's internal discord is beneficial to Russia, as it allows Moscow "the space to maneuver, create new alliances, and reinforce its positions."

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Putin's preference for Harris over Trump is attributed to his belief that she will lead America towards socialism, the system responsible for the USSR's collapse.

Despite the Kremlin's public indifference, Moscow's thorough examination of the debate reveals that a divided America is advantageous for its adversaries. Conversely, unity is what America's foes fear and what is ultimately beneficial for the nation.

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance

Russian Media Obsesses Over VP Debate, Praises Harris' Performance