Sacred Heart University Faces Backlash for Choosing Pro-Choice Nun as Commencement Speaker

A Catholic university is facing criticism for its decision to invite a pro-choice nun to serve as commencement speaker, with some calling for her invitation to be rescinded.

Sacred Heart University Faces Backlash for Choosing Pro-Choice Nun as Commencement Speaker

Sacred Heart University has come under fire for its appointment of Sister Simone Campbell, a pro-choice "social justice" activist, as the school's commencement speaker on May 11. Campbell's advocacy for social justice causes, including her support for abortion, has sparked backlash from some who believe her views are incompatible with Catholic teachings.

A petition launched by Student Action TFP, a project from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, has garnered over 11,000 signatures calling for Campbell's disinvitation. The petition cites Campbell's support for abortion, women priests, Marxist Liberation Theology, and "pro-homosexuality 'pride'" as reasons for her removal.

Sacred Heart University Faces Backlash for Choosing Pro-Choice Nun as Commencement Speaker

"I prayerfully urge you to dis-invite Sister Simone Campbell, S.S.S, as a commencement speaker. She supports abortion, women priests, Marxist Liberation Theology, and pro-homosexuality ‘pride’ – all things condemned by the Catholic Church," the petition reads.

The petition points to a speech delivered by Campbell at the 2017 Women's March, an event co-sponsored by Planned Parenthood. In the speech, Campbell expressed her opposition to abortion bans, arguing that they disproportionately impact women without economic options.

Sacred Heart University Faces Backlash for Choosing Pro-Choice Nun as Commencement Speaker

"I don’t think it’s a good policy to outlaw abortion," Campbell said. "The thing that we need to face is that women choose abortion often or most often because they don’t have economic options. And I think the shock of our nation is some claim to be pro-life but they’re really pro-birth. They don’t do what’s necessary to support women in carrying a baby to term and providing paid family leave."

SHU officials have defended their decision to invite Campbell, stating that they "choose to honor Sister Simone for her commitment to the social teachings of the Catholic Church." In a statement to Fox News Digital, the university said that Campbell "represents inclusiveness, respect, and dignity to all people, and embraces social justice, which are cornerstones of the University’s mission."

Sacred Heart University Faces Backlash for Choosing Pro-Choice Nun as Commencement Speaker

"Sister Simone is steadfast in pursuing the gospel message of caring and love which is reflective of the University’s core values," the statement continued. "She also will receive another honorary degree from a prominent Catholic University next week and received the Medal of Freedom—the nation’s highest civilian award—from President Joe Biden."

Despite the university's defense, the controversy surrounding Campbell's appointment highlights the ongoing debate within the Catholic Church over issues of social justice and reproductive rights. Some Catholics believe that the church should focus on promoting social justice and economic equality for all people, while others maintain that the church's teachings on abortion and other issues must be upheld.