Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

A bill approved by the General Assembly aims to amend the North Carolina constitution to explicitly prohibit non-citizens from voting in state and local elections, highlighting concerns about potential outside influence and the influx of illegal immigrants.

Only U.S. citizens should have the right to vote in American elections, including those in North Carolina. This principle, which may seem self-evident, has unfortunately become contentious due to the pushback against a bill that would enshrine it in our state constitution.

Opponents claim that non-citizen voting is a nonissue. However, the mass influx of illegal immigrants into our country in recent years makes it imperative to address this potential loophole. To safeguard the integrity of our elections, we cannot afford to allow any ambiguity or legal uncertainties that could compromise the sanctity of the vote.

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

HB 1407, introduced by myself and my colleagues, will give North Carolinians the opportunity to decide this November whether to add this common-sense measure to our state constitution. If approved by voters, the amendment would simply state that "only a citizen of the United States" may vote in state and local elections, thereby prohibiting non-citizens from ever being eligible to cast a ballot.

This seemingly small adjustment carries significant implications. While the current language in our constitution specifies that U.S. citizens can vote, it does not explicitly exclude non-citizens. This omission creates a potential loophole that could be exploited, especially in light of the increasing trend of municipalities allowing non-citizen voting.

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

It is a fact that more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Biden took office. Among those apprehended at the border were individuals on the terrorist watchlist, as well as others with connections to the Chinese Communist Party and violent organized crime rings. It is not unreasonable to assert that we do not want such individuals participating in our elections.

HB 1407 would prevent these individuals from casting ballots in North Carolina and mitigate potential foreign influence in our electoral process. If we fail to address this issue, the loophole will remain, potentially allowing non-citizens to vote. Despite claims to the contrary, non-citizen voting is already occurring and could potentially sway elections.

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

Safeguarding North Carolina Elections: Prohibiting Non-Citizen Voting

Examples abound across the country. Municipalities in Washington, D.C., California, Maryland, and Vermont allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. In New York City, a law would have granted 800,000 non-citizens the right to vote for mayor, city council, and other local races. This number exceeded the margin of victory in the 2020 mayoral election, demonstrating the potential impact of non-citizen voting on electoral outcomes.

The risk of outside influence through non-citizen voting should alarm everyone, regardless of political affiliation. North Carolina is not alone in seeking to close this loophole. By amending our state constitution to explicitly prohibit non-citizen voting, we would join a growing number of states that have taken similar measures, including Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio. Other states, such as Iowa, Idaho, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, and Wisconsin, will also be considering similar bans this fall.

The threat to our elections is real and pressing. We can address this challenge with a simple change to our state constitution. North Carolina elections should only be decided by legal voters, and that means U.S. citizens. I urge the voters of North Carolina to support this crucial legislation and ensure that our elections remain secure from outside influence.