SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator of SAG-AFTRA, discusses the significance of last year's actor and writers' strikes, emphasizing the need to protect performers in the face of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deepfakes.

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), has elucidated the significance of last year's actor and writers' strikes, highlighting their necessity in safeguarding performers from the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-generated deepfakes.

The No Fakes Act, led by Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, has garnered widespread support from actors, studios, and tech companies alike. The bill seeks to establish federal protections against the unauthorized use of digital replicas of individuals' likenesses in audio-visual works, images, or sound recordings.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher has hailed the No Fakes Act as a major victory for performers, particularly those whose livelihoods depend on their likenesses and brands. Senator Coons, along with other bill backers, has been lauded for their efforts in advancing the legislation.

Crabtree-Ireland emphasized the importance of consulting with all relevant stakeholders before formally introducing the bill, recognizing the challenges in enacting legislation in Washington. He expressed optimism that the bill's comprehensive approach would increase its chances of being enacted and that it represents a crucial step for performers.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

The Motion Picture Association (MPA), representing major studios such as Netflix, Sony, Paramount, Universal, Disney, and Warner Bros., has also praised the bill, acknowledging its potential to protect performers from generative AI abuse while safeguarding First Amendment rights and creative freedoms.

AI expert Marva Bailer highlighted the support of tech companies like OpenAI and IBM for the legislation, emphasizing their stake in establishing guardrails to protect the established market and prevent the creation of a "substitute market" that lacks regulation.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

Coons' website outlines the bill's provisions, which include holding individuals or companies liable for damages for producing, hosting, or sharing unauthorized digital replicas of individuals' performances. The penalties range from $5,000 in fines to civil action with substantial damages.

Crabtree-Ireland emphasized the urgency of enacting the bill, citing numerous instances of performers being personally affected by deepfakes, including his own experience during last year's contract ratification process. He stressed the need to address this issue proactively to protect performers from the potential negative consequences of AI-generated content.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

While guardrails have been established for writers and actors following last year's strikes, SAG-AFTRA continues to grapple with the impact of AI on other forms of entertainment, particularly video games. The union has been on strike for over a year and a half on behalf of video game performers over concerns about AI language.

Crabtree-Ireland expressed hope that the No Fakes bill, if passed, will contribute to a "mosaic of protection" for performers. Reflecting on last year's strikes, he acknowledged their "devastating" impact but maintained that they were "necessary at that time" to preemptively address the challenges posed by AI in the industry.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes

Crabtree-Ireland reiterated the existential nature of the battle, stating that waiting to address the issue of AI usage would be detrimental to the future of performers' careers. He underscored the importance of proactive measures to ensure the protection of performers' livelihoods and the preservation of their fundamental rights in the evolving digital landscape.

SAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood StrikesSAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood StrikesSAG-AFTRA Chief Explains Necessity of 'Devastating' Hollywood Strikes