San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

Critics accuse the programs of discrimination by targeting specific minority groups, sparking outrage and legal action against the city.

San Francisco is facing a lawsuit over its guaranteed income programs, which have been criticized as discriminatory by targeting specific minority groups. The lawsuit, filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation, alleges that the programs violate the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution by providing preferential treatment based on race.

One of the programs in question is the Guaranteed Income for Trans People program, which provides monthly payments of $1,200 to low-income transgender residents. Another program, the Black Families Grant, offers one-time payments of $5,000 to low-income Black families.

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

Critics argue that these programs unfairly exclude other low-income residents who do not belong to the designated minority groups. They also contend that the programs perpetuate racial stereotypes and foster division.

The lawsuit cites a 2022 study by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which found that the Black Families Grant program was not achieving its intended goal of reducing poverty. The study found that 80% of the grant recipients were still living in poverty after receiving the payment.

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

The lawsuit also points to a statement by San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who said that the Black Families Grant program is "a down payment on reparations." Critics argue that this statement implies that the program is intended to compensate for past racial discrimination, rather than to provide assistance to low-income families.

The city of San Francisco has defended the guaranteed income programs, arguing that they are necessary to address the racial wealth gap and to provide assistance to marginalized communities. However, the lawsuit has raised concerns about the legality and effectiveness of these programs.

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

San Francisco Slammed with Lawsuit Over Allegedly Racist Guaranteed Income Programs

The lawsuit has garnered support from several organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The ACLU has argued that the lawsuit "threatens to undermine important efforts to address racial inequality."

The lawsuit is currently pending in federal court. A judge has not yet ruled on the merits of the case. However, the lawsuit has sparked a debate about the role of race in government programs and the legality of providing preferential treatment to specific minority groups.