Sanders Slams Netanyahu's Address to Congress

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has strongly condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's planned address to a joint session of Congress, denouncing it as a partisan attempt to undermine ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran. Sanders accused Netanyahu of "sabotaging" the diplomatic efforts and vowed to work against any legislation that could jeopardize the potential agreement.

WASHINGTON, July 22 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a joint session of Congress tomorrow:

Sanders Slams Netanyahu's Address to Congress

Sanders Slams Netanyahu's Address to Congress

"I am deeply disappointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to address a joint session of Congress this week. His speech is nothing more than a partisan attempt to sabotage the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran.

"The Prime Minister has repeatedly said that he will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon, and I share his goal. But the best way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons is through diplomacy, not war. The negotiations currently underway are the best chance we have to achieve a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech is likely to be filled with inflammatory rhetoric and will only serve to further divide Americans on this important issue. It is clear that the Prime Minister is more interested in playing politics than in finding a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

"I will be working with my colleagues in Congress to ensure that Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech does not derail the ongoing nuclear negotiations. We must continue to support the diplomatic process and give it the chance to succeed.

"The potential consequences of a military strike against Iran are too great to ignore. Such a strike would likely lead to a wider war in the Middle East, which could destabilize the entire region and further increase the threat of terrorism.

"I urge Prime Minister Netanyahu to reconsider his decision to address Congress this week. His speech will only serve to undermine the diplomatic process and increase the risk of war. The best way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons is through diplomacy, not war."

BACKGROUND: Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. He is expected to speak about the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program and to urge Congress to pass new sanctions against Iran.


Sanders' statement was met with mixed reactions. Some members of Congress praised Sanders for taking a stand against Netanyahu's address, while others criticized him for interfering in foreign policy.

The debate over Netanyahu's address to Congress is likely to continue in the coming days. It is clear that Sanders is not alone in his opposition to the Prime Minister's speech, but it remains to be seen whether he will be able to convince his colleagues in Congress to take a stand against it.