Sanders Supporters Revel in Biden's Debate Struggles

Supporters of Bernie Sanders express satisfaction with Joe Biden's recent debate performance, criticizing those who undermined Sanders' 2020 campaign.

In the aftermath of President Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance, supporters of his former rival, Bernie Sanders, have taken to social media to express their satisfaction.

"I wonder how the people who kneecapped Bernie's 2020 campaign are feeling about now," tweeted Briahna Joy Gray, Sanders' former campaign press secretary. "The same establishment hacks who pushed Joe on us - and slandered Bernie - are now stuck with him."

Sanders Supporters Revel in Biden's Debate Struggles

Sanders Supporters Revel in Biden's Debate Struggles

The sentiment was echoed by many other Sanders supporters, who argued that Biden's struggles in the debate vindicated Sanders' positions and highlighted the folly of their opposition to him.

"Biden is a disaster," wrote one supporter. "He can't even put together a coherent sentence. I'm so glad we didn't nominate him."

"I was a Sanders delegate in 2020, and I'm so glad we didn't settle for Biden," added another. "He's proven to be a weak leader who can't handle the challenges of the presidency."

Sanders himself has not commented on Biden's debate performance, but his supporters have seized on the opportunity to criticize the Democratic establishment for its role in undermining his campaign.

"The DNC was complicit in rigging the primary against Bernie," said one supporter. "They smeared him as unelectable and propped up Biden, who has now proven to be the true liability."

"The so-called 'moderate' Democrats who supported Biden over Bernie are now seeing the consequences of their actions," added another. "Biden is a disaster, and they own it."

The criticism from Sanders supporters is likely to further strain relations between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic Party. Sanders supporters have long accused the establishment of being out of touch with the needs of the American people, and Biden's debate performance has only reinforced that belief.

"Biden is the poster child for everything that's wrong with the Democratic Party," said one supporter. "He's old, out of touch, and incapable of leading the country. It's time for a new generation of leaders, and Bernie Sanders is that leader."

While Sanders has not yet announced whether he will run for president in 2024, his supporters are already urging him to do so. They believe that Sanders is the only candidate who can unite the Democratic Party and defeat Donald Trump or any other Republican challenger.

"Bernie is the only one who can beat Trump," said one supporter. "He's got the grassroots support and the message that will resonate with voters. I hope he runs in 2024."

If Sanders does decide to run, he will likely face a crowded field of Democratic candidates. However, his supporters believe that he is the best candidate to lead the party and the country.

"Bernie is the future of the Democratic Party," said one supporter. "He's the only one who can bridge the divide between progressives and moderates and bring the party together."