Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Mimicking Her Voice in ChatGPT App

Scarlett Johansson is reportedly "angered and in disbelief" over OpenAI's ChatGPT app, claiming that its voice model, Sky, sounds remarkably similar to her own. The actress has not provided further details about her allegations.

Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Mimicking Her Voice in ChatGPT App

Scarlett Johansson has accused OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT artificial intelligence app, of mimicking her voice in its recently launched voice model, Sky. The actress has reportedly expressed her anger and disbelief over the alleged unauthorized use of her likeness.

Johansson has not publicly commented on the allegations or provided further details. However, sources close to her have confirmed her dissatisfaction with OpenAI's actions. They claimed that Johansson was not aware of OpenAI's intention to use a voice similar to hers in the development of Sky.

Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Mimicking Her Voice in ChatGPT App

Sky is a voice model designed to provide natural-sounding responses to user queries within ChatGPT. It is one of several voice models available within the app, each with its own unique personality and vocal characteristics.

OpenAI has yet to officially respond to Johansson's allegations. The company's terms of service state that it may use user data to train and improve its AI models, but it is unclear if this includes the unauthorized use of celebrity voices.

Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Mimicking Her Voice in ChatGPT App

The use of celebrity voices in AI applications has raised ethical concerns about privacy, consent, and authenticity. Some argue that celebrities should have the right to control how their voices are used, while others believe that AI companies should be free to use public data for training purposes.

The controversy surrounding OpenAI's alleged use of Johansson's voice could have implications for the future of AI development. It highlights the need for clear guidelines on the use of celebrity likenesses in AI applications and the importance of respecting individuals' privacy and rights.

Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Mimicking Her Voice in ChatGPT App

The incident also raises questions about the potential legal consequences for AI companies that use copyrighted material without permission. It remains to be seen whether Johansson will pursue legal action against OpenAI over the alleged unauthorized use of her voice.

Meanwhile, OpenAI continues to make updates and improvements to ChatGPT and its voice models. The company has stated that it is committed to providing users with a responsible and ethical AI experience.

As AI technology advances, it is becoming increasingly important to address the ethical implications of its development and use. The controversy surrounding Scarlett Johansson's allegations against OpenAI is a reminder that the future of AI must be shaped by responsible and ethical principles.