School Choice Revolution Heats Up, Igniting Fear Among Teacher Unions

A surge in school choice legislation has sparked concerns among teacher unions, with the American Federation For Children Senior Fellow Corey DeAngelis suggesting they are "terrified." In Portland, Oregon, two private preschools abruptly closed after employees attempted to unionize, highlighting the growing tensions between schools and unions.

School Choice Revolution Heats Up, Igniting Fear Among Teacher Unions

The school choice movement has gained momentum in recent years, with states such as Arizona, West Virginia, and Iowa passing universal school choice programs. These programs allow parents to use taxpayer funds to send their children to private or religious schools.

School Choice Revolution Heats Up, Igniting Fear Among Teacher Unions

Corey DeAngelis, Senior Fellow at the American Federation For Children, believes the rise of school choice is a "revolution" that has unions on edge. He told Fox News Digital, "Teacher unions must be terrified of this."

This fear is evident in the case of Guidepost Montessori, two private preschools in Portland, Oregon, that abruptly closed after employees announced their intent to unionize. According to the Portland Tribune, teachers at the Tigard and Lloyd district locations had given notice of their plans, citing concerns over low compensation and safety issues.

School Choice Revolution Heats Up, Igniting Fear Among Teacher Unions

However, within a matter of days, both locations were shuttered with less than 24 hours' notice. Teachers expressed shock and disappointment, believing the closures were a direct retaliation against their unionization efforts.

Chloe Del Donno, one of the teachers, stated, "We figured if there were two centers at the same time, surely they can't shut down both of us. The amount of families that would leave without childcare would be too unethical. But then that's exactly what they did."

School Choice Revolution Heats Up, Igniting Fear Among Teacher Unions

Parents were also left scrambling to find alternative care for their children. Northwest Regional Manager for Higher Ground Education, the parent company of Guidepost, cited the resignation of the heads of both locations as the reason for the temporary closures.

Teachers at the Tigard and Portland locations reported concerns over weak compensation, with their hourly rate at $20, while the cost of care at the Montesorri was at least $2,000 per month. They also raised safety concerns, including a gas leak at the Tigard location that prompted an evacuation.

The closure of Guidepost Montessori has sparked debates about the role of unions in private schools. Unions have traditionally been associated with public schools and have fought for various benefits for teachers, including higher wages and better working conditions.

However, in the realm of private schools, the legality and effectiveness of unions are often less clear. Some argue that unions can empower teachers to advocate for fair treatment and provide a voice for their concerns. Others contend that unions can interfere with the management of schools and may not always have the best interests of students at heart.

As the school choice movement continues to gain traction, it is likely that the debate over teacher unions in private schools will only intensify.