Sean Hannity Accuses Kamala Harris of "Election Year Conversion

Fox News host Sean Hannity criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for changing her stances on several issues, claiming that she is now making "election year conversions" to appeal to voters. Hannity questioned Harris's authenticity and accused her of being a "dishonest and fake politician" who will "say and do anything" to gain power.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has launched a scathing attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of changing her positions on key issues in order to win votes during an election year. Hannity labeled Harris's behavior as an "election year conversion," a tactic employed by "dishonest and fake politicians who will say and do anything to get elected."

Hannity specifically pointed to Harris's past support for policies such as a mandatory federal gun buyback, Medicare for all, and a ban on fracking, which she has now abandoned or softened her stance on. He questioned the sincerity of her current positions and demanded answers from her.

Sean Hannity Accuses Kamala Harris of

Sean Hannity Accuses Kamala Harris of "Election Year Conversion

"Why does she no longer support her mandatory federal gun buyback, ostensibly gun confiscation?" Hannity asked. "Why does she no longer support Medicare for all? Her plan that she co-sponsored in the Senate, that would eliminate all private health insurance."

Hannity also criticized Harris for changing her views on issues such as fracking, defunding the police, and immigration.

Sean Hannity Accuses Kamala Harris of

Sean Hannity Accuses Kamala Harris of "Election Year Conversion

"Why does she no longer support a ban on fracking, something she proclaimed many, many, many times? Why does she no longer support defunding the police and directing funds away from the police department? Why is she no longer tweeting out the bail fund after the Minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground?" Hannity questioned.

Hannity went on to compare Harris to Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, noting that they both hold similar progressive views but that Harris lacks the "bartending experience" of Ocasio-Cortez.

"As Senator Kennedy said to our friend and colleague Neil Cavuto, Kamala is AOC without the bartending experience," Hannity said.

Hannity's criticism of Harris is part of a larger conservative backlash against her and the Biden administration. The Fox News host has repeatedly attacked Harris's record and policies, accusing her of being incompetent and out of touch with the American people.

Harris has not yet responded to Hannity's latest attack, but she has previously rejected similar accusations. In a recent interview with CNN, Harris defended her record and said that she is "proud" of her accomplishments in office.

"I have a record of fighting for the people of this country," Harris said. "I have a record of fighting for justice, and I have a record of fighting for equality."

It remains to be seen whether Hannity's criticism will have any impact on Harris's political standing. However, the Fox News host's attacks are likely to resonate with his conservative audience and could further divide the American public ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.